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| journ. RadioTV media {adj} [attr.] [concerning the mass media] | 234 medial [geh.] [die Massenmedien betreffend] | |
| unfettered {adj} {past-p} [esp. fig.] [media, mind, etc.] | 121 entfesselt [bes. fig.] [Medien, menschlicher Geist etc.] | |
| mass {adj} [attr.] [e.g. arrest, brawl, breakout, dismissals, execution, media] | 9 Massen- [z. B. Verhaftung, Schlägerei, Ausbruch, Entlassungen, Hinrichting, Medien] | |
| journ. unmuzzled {adj} [animal, media] | ohne Maulkorb [nachgestellt] | |
Verbs |
| journ. to leak sth. [to disclose sth. anonymously to the media] | 35 etw. durchstechen [fig.] [Vertrauliches, z. B. Ermittlungsergebnisse, der Presse zuspielen] | |
| comp. to unmount sth. [data media] | 9 etw.Akk. aushängen [Datenträger] | |
| to precondemn sb. [e.g. in the media] | 7 jdn. vorverurteilen [z. B. in den Medien] | |
| Internet to cancel sb. [to ban sb. from certain communication media] | jdn. ausradieren [in sozialen Netzwerken löschen] | |
| to deplatform sb. | jdn. von einer Plattform ausschließen [bes. Social Media] | |
| Internet to trend [attract interest] | auf Interesse stoßen [bes. in Social Media] | |
Nouns |
| journ. review [media] | 112 Rundschau {f} [Presse] | |
| journ. RadioTV exposure [in the mass media] | 22 Publicity {f} | |
| bot. T | 21 | |
| journ. newsroom [media] | 19 Nachrichtenabteilung {f} [Medien] | |
| feature [business, media] | 8 Struktur {f} [Geschäft, Medien] | |
| anat. biol. media [Tunica media] [middle coat] | 7 Media {f} [kurz für: Tunica media] | |
| audio comp. electr. playlist [media player] | 7 Abspielliste {f} [Medienabspielgerät] | |
| journ. RadioTV [German media prize] | 5 Bambi {m} | |
| [German association for voluntary self-regulation of digital media service providers] | Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle {f} Multimedia-Diensteanbieter <FSM> | |
| [German legal framework for electronic media] | Medien-Staatsvertrag {m} | |
| Internet neol. RadioTV chatterboxing [using social media to comment on TV programmes while watching them] | [Kommentieren von laufenden Fernsehsendungen im Netz] | |
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| zool. geep [expression used in the media] | Schiege {f} | |
| fish T | | |
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| audio med. tympanitis [myringitis] | Tympanitis {f} [veraltet für: Otitis media] | |
| anat. uvea [Tunica media bulbi] | mittlere Augenhaut {f} | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be woke [sl.] [mostly used humorously in social media] | helle sein [ugs.] | |
| Internet to hate on sb. [especially on social media] | jdn. haten [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [sich hasserfüllt äußern, vor allem in sozialen Netzwerken] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| journ. (polemic) commentary [Media] | Glosse {f} | |