Dictionary English German: [measuring]

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less {adj} {adv} [measuring something]
by {prep} <x> [measuring, e.g. 8 by 6 m]
mal <x> [Maße, z. B. 8 mal 6 m]
checking {adj} {pres-p} [measuring again]nachmessend
to register [on measuring instrument]
tech. to clear sth. [esp. a measuring device]auf Null setzen [bes. ein Messgerät]
math. tools compass [instrument for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc.]
Zirkel {m} [Gerät zum Zeichnen von Kreisen, Abgreifen von Maßen, etc.]
measurement [action of measuring something]
Messen {n}
textil. tools yardstick [measuring stick]
Zollstock {m} [regional] [Elle; Stock zum Abmessen von Ballenstoff]
math. compasses {pl} [esp. Br.] [rare elsewhere for: compass {sg}] [instrument for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc.]
Zirkel {m} [Gerät zum Zeichnen von Kreisen, Abgreifen von Maßen, etc.]
naut. log [speed measuring device]
Logge {f}
dent. math. med. calipers [measuring instrument]
Zirkel {m} [Gerät zum Maßnehmen]
electr. optics phys. Lidar [laser-based optical method for measuring distance and velocity]
LiDAR {n} [Methode zur optischen Abstands- und Geschwindigkeitsmessung mit Lasern]
measurement [result obtained by measuring]
Messergebnis {n}
math. compasses [instruments for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc.]
Zirkel {pl} [Geräte zum Zeichnen von Kreisen, Abgreifen von Maßen, etc.]
meter [measuring device]
Messer {m} [Messgerät]
callipers {pl} [for measuring]
Bauchzirkel {m} [zum Messen]
naut. tools octant [instrument for measuring angles]
Oktant {m}
gastr. unit proof [unit for measuring strength of alcoholic content]
Proof {n}
sports tools [foldable yardstick with caliper; e.g. used as measuring device in pétanque]Tirette {n} [Meterstab mit Tiefenmaß]
tech. [precision measuring device used to determine internal dimensions of tools]Passimeter {n} [Feinmessgerät für Innenmessungen an Werkstücken]
audio acoumetry [the measuring of the power or extent of hearing]Hörprüfung {f} [Hörschärfemessung, Hörweitenmessung]
tech. bias [of a measuring instrument]systematische Messabweichung {f} [eines Messinstruments]
spec. tech. cantilever [measuring needle of an atomic force microscope]Cantilever {m} [Messnadel von Rasterkraftmikroskopen]
med. inspirometer [an apparatus for measuring air inspired in breathing]Volumeter {n}
2 Words: Others
engin. industry-tailored {adj} [e.g. measuring technique]produktionsumfeldgerecht [z. B. Messtechnik]
2 Words: Verbs
to come below sth. [e.g. limit, measuring value]etw. unterschreiten [z. B. Grenzwert, Messwert]
to come under sth. [e.g. limit, measuring value]etw. unterschreiten [z. B. Grenzwert, Messwert]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. cell constant [in measuring procedures]Zellenkonstante {f} [bei Messverfahren]
tech. Darr test [moisture measuring]Darrprobe {f} [Feuchtemessung]
tech. geometrical features [coordinate measuring technique]Geometrieelemente {pl} [Koordinatenmesstechnik]
tech. instrumental error [error due to faults arising in a measuring instrument]Messgerätefehler {m}
print tech. textil. linen tester [strong magnifier with a measuring scale]Messlupe {f} [Fadenzähler]
engin. tools manifold gauge [set of measuring instruments, e.g. for a heating system]Monteurhilfe {f} [Satz von Messgeräten, z. B. für eine Heizungsanlage]
tech. measurement site [measuring site]Messplatz {m} [Messstelle]
tech. measurement site [measuring site]Messstelle {f}
measuring beaker [measuring cup]Messbecher {m}
reading accuracy [measuring instrument]Ablesegenauigkeit {f} [Messinstrument]
archaeo. hist. Roman steelyard [weight measuring device]römische Schnellwaage {f}
tech. surveyor's wheel [measuring wheel, hodometer]Messrad {n} [Hodometer]
tools used instrument [e.g. measuring or navigational device]Gebrauchtgerät {n}
constr. tools water level [measuring device]Schlauchwaage {f}
3 Words: Others
tech. out of calibration [gauges, measuring instruments][Eichfehlergrenze überschritten, unzulässige Abweichung]
3 Words: Nouns
tools calcium carbide meter [calcium carbide measuring instrument]Calciumcarbid-Messgerät {n} <CM-Messgerät>
EU tech. Measuring Instruments Directive <MID> [Directive 2004/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004 on measuring instruments]Messgeräterichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Richtlinie 2004/22/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 31. März 2004 über Messgeräte]
tech. mobile operating resourcesmobile Betriebsmittel {pl} [tools, machines, measuring equipment]
math. pair of compasses [esp. Br.] [rare elsewhere for: compass] [instrument for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc.]Zirkel {m} [Gerät zum Zeichnen von Kreisen, Abgreifen von Maßen, etc.]
MedTech. right / left dominant [measuring field]rechte / linke Dominante {f}
tech. runout measuring device [also: run-out measuring device]Rundlaufmessvorrichtung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
arm of a balance [measuring instrument]Waagebalken {m} [Balken einer Waage]
arm of the balance [measuring instrument]Waagebalken {m} [Balken der Waage]
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