Dictionary English German: [measures]

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
converted {adj} {past-p} [measures, money]
law pol. coercive {adj} [e.g. measures, means, detention]
Zwangs- [z. B. Maßnahmen, Mittel, Haft]
misguided {adj} [remark, measures]
tech. field {adj} [attr.] [repairs, safety measures]im Feld [nachgestellt] [z. B. Reparaturen vor Ort ]
to extend sth. [fig.] [measures etc.]
etw.Akk. ausweiten [fig.] [Maßnahmen etc.]
law to enable sth. [to authorize measures, reforms]
etw. anordnen
package [also fig. e.g. package of measures]
Paket {n} [auch fig. z. B. Paket von Maßnahmen]
austerity [difficult economic conditions created by government measures]
Knappheit {f} [wegen Rationierung]
gastr. shorts [Br.] [coll.] [small measures of liquor]
Kurze {pl} [ugs.] [Schnäpse]
admin. sociol. spec. [administrative measures which discourage or prevent people from applying for social benefits]vertreibende Hilfe {f}
law [measures prescribed by the planning approval authority to protect or compensate the rights of property owners affected by public construction measures]Schutzauflage {f} [Verwaltungsrecht]
[one opposed to specific measures]Maßnahmengegner {m}
pol. [person using traditional Swiss cowbells in protests against COVID-19 public safety measures]Freiheitstrychler {m} [schweiz.]
psych. [personality test; verbal-thematic measures, esp. for children]Hamster-Test {m}
law [the court's right to reduce or abate (the fines or punitive measures)]richterliches Mäßigungsrecht {n}
2 Words
med. continuing care {adj} [hospital, measures]Langzeit- [Pflege, Einrichtung, Maßnahmen]
art pol. cultural policy {adj} [attr.] [decision, profile, measures, etc.]kulturpolitisch
put-together {adj} {past-p} [package of measures]geschnürt [fig.] [Maßnahmenpaket]
biol. ecol. conservation measures [species conservation measures]Artenschutzmaßnahmen {pl}
med. pol. corona measures [measures to combat coronavirus]Corona-Maßnahmen {pl} [Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Coronavirus]
econ. law exclusionary abuse [measures to exclude a competitor]Behinderungsmissbrauch {m} [Kartellrecht: Maßnahmen zur Verdrängung eines Konkurrenten]
med. heat relief [public health measures]Hitzehilfe {f}
pol. policy package [package of political measures]Maßnahmenbündel {n}
pol. policy package [package of political measures]Maßnahmenpaket {n}
red pencil [austerity measures]Sparstift {m}
3 Words
to put sth. in place [e.g. measures, rules, controls]etw.Akk. einführen [z. B. Maßnahmen, Regeln, Kontrollen]
5+ Words
to have the desired effect (on sb./sth.) [measures, politics](bei jdm./etw.) verfangen [Wirkung zeigen]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. theatre F The Decision [also: The Measures Taken]Die Maßnahme [Bertolt Brecht]
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