| English  | German |  |
 | rotten {adj} [coll.] [fig.] [mean] | 394 niederträchtig |  |
 | tight {adj} [coll.] [mean] | 282 geizig |  |
 | mangy {adj} [mean] | 218 schäbig |  |
 | lowdown {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [spv.] [nasty, mean] | 47 gemein [fies] |  |
Verbs |
 | to signify sth. [mean] | 1355 etw. bedeuten |  |
 | to purport sth. [mean] | 270 etw. besagen |  |
 | to spell sth. [fig.] [to mean] | 147 etw. bedeuten |  |
 | to signify sth. [mean] | 35 etw. vorstellen [bedeuten] |  |
 | to purport [convey, mean] | hindeuten auf [+Akk] |  |
Nouns |
 | bummer [Am.] [coll.] [Careful: can also mean "a bad situation". Only the context can guarantee the correct interpretation] | 45 Schnorrer {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | math. stat. mean [usu. arithmetic mean] | 45 Durchschnittswert {m} [meist arithmetisches Mittel] |  |
 | electr. mean [short] [root mean square, quadratic mean] | 19 Effektivwert {m} |  |
 | piker [mean person] [Br.] [sl.] | 17 Geizhals {m} |  |
 | dastard [archaic] [mean coward] | feige Memme {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | math. stat. mean [arithmetic mean] | arithmetisches Mittel {n} |  |
 | meanies [esp. Am.] [coll.] [mean or nasty people, villains] | Fieslinge {pl} [ugs.] [pej.] [gemeine Menschen, Bösewichte] |  |
2 Words |
 | to amount to sth. [mean, imply] | etw. bedeuten |  |
 | to amount to sth. [mean, imply] | etw. besagen |  |
 | math. first moment [also: expectation, mean] [stochastic] | Erwartungswert {m} [Stochastik] |  |
 | electr. RMS current [root mean square current] <Irms, Ir.m.s., IRMS> | Effektivstrom {m} <Ieff> |  |
 | electr. math. RMS value [root mean square value] | Effektivwert {m} |  |
 | electr. RMS voltage [root mean square voltage] <Vrms, Vr.m.s., VRMS> | Effektivspannung {f} <Ueff> |  |
 | summer mean [summer mean value] | Sommermittel {n} [Sommermittelwert] |  |
4 Words |
 | math. Cauchy's mean value theorem [also: mean value theorem of Cauchy] | Cauchy'scher Mittelwertsatz {m} |  |
 | ind. QM tech. mean time before failure <MTBF> [syn.: mean time to failure (MTTF)] | mittlere Lebensdauer {f} [für Einheiten, die nicht instand gesetzt werden] |  |
 | nasty piece of work [esp. Br.] [coll.] [very unpleasant or mean person] | fieser Kerl {m} [ugs.] |  |
5+ Words |
 | idiom I understand / know / see where you are coming from. [coll.] [I understand what you mean.] | Ich verstehe, was du meinst. |  |
 | proverb Say what you mean and mean what you say. | Sag, was du meinst(,) und meine, was du sagst. |  |
 | proverb Say what you mean and mean what you say. | Sage deine Meinung und meine was du sagst. |  |