| English  | German |  |
 | law legal {adj} <leg.> [matters, affairs, advice, services etc.] | 130 juristisch <jur.> |  |
 | fastidious {adj} [sensitive in matters of propriety] | 76 feinfühlend [Taktgefühl besitzen] |  |
 | mil. pol. defence {adj} [Br.] [attr.] [matters, spokesperson, etc.; also defence policy] | 52 verteidigungspolitisch [Angelegenheiten, Sprecher etc.] |  |
Verbs |
 | admin. law to handle sth. [legal or official matters] | 1154 etw.Akk. erledigen [Angelegenheit] |  |
Nouns |
 | concerns [matters of interest or importance to sb.] | 464 Anliegen {pl} |  |
 | hist. law [a wife's power to represent her husband in matters concerning the household] | 15 Schlüsselgewalt {f} |  |
 | educ. [professor who is not primarily an academic and has no voice in faculty matters] | 13 Honorarprofessor {m} |  |
 | pol. secularism [principle of state neutrality on religious matters] | 8 Laizitätsprinzip {n} [eines Staats] |  |
 | acad. ethn. ethnography [science and literary work about ethnographic matters] | 7 Ethnografie {f} [Wissenschaft und ethnografische Darstellung] |  |
 | pol. [high government official responsible for family matters] | Familienminister {m} |  |
 | hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters] | Rügegericht {n} |  |
 | hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters] | Ruggericht {n} |  |
 | pol. secularity [here: neutrality of the state on religious matters] | Laizität {f} [weltanschauliche Neutralität des Staates] |  |
2 Words |
 | as is [as matters stand] | wie die Dinge liegen |  |
 | to swing it [coll.] [idiom] [manage matters successfully] | die Sache schaukeln [ugs.] |  |
 | law labour court [Br.] [dealing also with suits concerning social matters] [Austria] | Arbeits- und Sozialgericht {n} [Österreich] |  |
 | admin. fin. marriage penalty [on tax matters] | Heiratsstrafe {f} [schweiz.] [in Steuerfragen] |  |
4 Words |
 | [matters] that / which have arisen | [Sachen], die aufgetreten sind |  |
 | [matters] that should be considered | [Dinge,] die berücksichtigt werden müssten |  |
 | to crown it all {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [to make matters worse] | zu allem Übel [Redewendung] [noch obendrein] |  |
5+ Words |
 | [matters] that / which could not be solved | [Dinge], die nicht gelöst werden konnten |  |
 | [matters] which cannot be departed from | [Sachen], von denen man nicht abweichen kann |  |