| English  | German |  |
 | any {adj} {pron} [some, no matter which] | 1490 irgendein |  |
 | there {adv} [in that respect; on that matter / issue] | 1268 da [in dieser Hinsicht; in dieser Sache / Angelegenheit] |  |
 | any {pron} [some, no matter which] | 703 irgendwelche [pl] |  |
 | any {adj} {pron} [some, no matter which] | 279 etwas |  |
 | any {pron} [some, no matter which] | 208 irgendeine [f. sing.] |  |
 | any {adj} {pron} [some, no matter which] | 206 irgendetwas |  |
 | insensate {adj} [matter, stone] | 188 leblos |  |
 | any {pron} [no matter what kind] [referring to a feminine noun] | 175 jede [jede beliebige] |  |
 | somebody {pron} [no matter which] | 166 irgendjemand |  |
 | anyone {pron} [no matter which] | 125 irgendeiner |  |
 | vegetable {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fats, matter, oil, protein] | 96 pflanzlich [z. B. Fette, Material, Öl, Eiweiß] |  |
 | someone {pron} [no matter which] | 69 irgendeiner |  |
 | anybody {pron} [no matter which] | 55 irgendeiner |  |
 | any {adj} [some, no matter which] | 54 irgendeiner [f. sing. Gen. und Dat.] |  |
 | prosaically {adv} [matter-of-factly] | 29 nüchtern [sachlich] |  |
 | disperse {adj} [e.g. audience, phase, matter] | 25 dispers [z. B. Publikum, Phase, Materie] |  |
 | any {adj} {pron} [some, no matter which] | 6 irgendeiner [m. sing.] |  |
 | personal {adj} [e.g. life, matter, call, assets, account] | Privat- [z. B. Leben, Angelegenheit, Gespräch (Telefon), Vermögen, Konto] |  |
 | zool. saprophagous {adj} [feeding on dead organic matter] | saprophag [verfaulte organische Materie fressend] |  |
Verbs |
 | to skim sth. [floating matter] | 391 etw. abschöpfen |  |
 | to clear [free of unwanted matter] | 44 freimachen [bes. Weg, Zugang] |  |
 | to agitate sth. [discuss or debate (a question, a matter, etc.)] | etw. zur Erörterung stellen [eine Frage, eine Angelegenheit etc.] |  |
 | to square sth. [matter] | etw. in Ordnung bringen [Angelegenheit] |  |
Nouns |
 | issue [matter] | 1946 Angelegenheit {f} |  |
 | affair [matter] | 1083 Angelegenheit {f} |  |
 | concern [matter, cause] | 867 Angelegenheit {f} |  |
 | for. hort. chipper [Am.] [for organic matter, woodchipper] | 482 Häcksler {m} |  |
 | case [matter, issue] | 367 Angelegenheit {f} |  |
 | reading [reading matter] | 257 Lektüre {f} |  |
 | cause [matter] | 179 Angelegenheit {f} |  |
 | vomit [matter] | 143 Erbrochenes {n} |  |
 | cause [matter, purpose, ideal] [also law: action] | 140 Sache {f} [Frage, Anliegen] [auch jur.] |  |
 | concern [cause, matter] | 120 Sache {f} |  |
 | substance [subject matter] | 102 Wesen {n} [Substanz, Gehalt, Kern] |  |
 | phys. phase [matter] | 76 Aggregatzustand {m} |  |
 | business [matter, concern] | 48 Sache {f} [Vorfall, Angelegenheit] |  |
 | subject [issue, subject-matter] | 21 Sache {f} [Thema] |  |
 | sediment [matter settling at the bottom] | 17 Satz {m} [Bodensatz] |  |
 | question [matter, problem] | 15 Sache {f} [Frage, Problem] |  |
 | affair [matter, business] | 13 Geschichte {f} [ugs.] [Sache] |  |
 | reading [reading matter] | 12 Lesestoff {m} |  |
 | core [of a problem, matter, subject, etc.] | 11 Kern {m} [von Problem, Angelegenheit, Thema etc.] |  |
 | sleep [mucous matter which collects at the corners of the eyes] | 8 Schlafsand {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | print obelus <†> [reference mark in printed matter, or to indicate that a person is deceased] | 6 Kreuz {n} <†> [Symbol für eine Referenz in gedruckten Texten; auch Symbol für "verstorben"] |  |
 | dispute [matter in dispute] | 5 Streitfrage {f} |  |
 | gastr. [grated matter] | Raspel {pl} [das Geraspelte, z. B. Kokosraspel] |  |
 | admin. law document [piece of written matter] | Schriftsache {f} |  |
 | for. duff [Am.] [Scot.] [organic matter] | (humusartiger) Waldboden {m} |  |
 | mush [mushy matter] | Mansch {m} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | pap [reading matter, entertainment] | Schmarrn {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [anspruchsloses Zeug, z. B. Unterhaltungssendung] |  |