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|  |
 | renewable {adj} [raw materials etc.] | 67 nachwachsend |  |
 | coarse {adj} [of materials, base] | 14 unedel [Materialien] |  |
 | strong {adj} [of materials etc.] | 8 derb [kräftig] |  |
Verbs |
 | to manufacture sth. [produce, esp. from raw materials] | 297 etw.Akk. verarbeiten [zu einem Produkt umformen] |  |
 | to author [content, teaching materials, rules, etc.] | 47 erstellen [Inhalte, Unterrichtsmaterialien, Regeln etc.] |  |
 | spec. to age sth. [to store wet ceramic bodies (raw materials)] | etw. mauken [keramische Massen (Rohmaterialien) feucht lagern] |  |
Nouns |
 | stationery {sg} [writing materials] | 463 Schreibwaren {pl} |  |
 | decluttering [clearing out of materials] | 351 Entrümpelung {f} |  |
 | resources [of raw materials] | 102 Rohstoffquellen {pl} |  |
 | odds [leftover materials] | 43 Reste {pl} |  |
 | ind. mil. supplies [materials needed in war, industrial production, etc.] | 29 Versorgungsgüter {pl} |  |
 | stationery [writing materials] | 15 Schreibmaterial {n} |  |
 | arrivals [incoming materials] | 6 Zugänge {pl} |  |
 | tech. safeguards {pl} | 5 Sicherheitsüberwachung {f} [bes. im Bereich nuklearen Materials] |  |
 | material tolling [price covers only processing, not raw materials] | 5 Umarbeitungsgeschäft {n} |  |
 | ind. [size, form and volume of pieces of materials] | Stückigkeit {f} [fachsprachlich] |  |
 | archives [archival materials] | Archivalien {pl} |  |
 | ASTM [American Society for Testing Materials] | [amerikanischer Normenausschuss {m}] |  |
 | biorepository [biological materials repository] | Biomaterialbank {f} |  |
 | decluttering [clearing out of materials] | Entrümplung {f} [seltener für: Entrümpelung] |  |
 | transp. hazmats {pl} [short for: hazardous materials] | Gefahrgut {n} |  |
 | cloth. spec. passements [garment-adorning materials] | Posamenten {pl} |  |
 | material silkiness [sleekness] | Geschmeidigkeit {f} [eines Materials] |  |
 | tech. textil. size [filler for porous materials] | Schlichte {f} |  |
 | material tolling [price covers only processing, not raw materials] | Beistellungsgeschäft {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | tech. fatigue resistant {adj} [materials] | ermüdungsfest [Materialien] |  |
 | under-resourced {adj} [with materials] | unzureichend ausgestattet |  |
 | well-resourced {adj} [with materials] | gut ausgestattet |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. ind. (red) tannery [with vegetable materials] | Lohgerberei {f} |  |
 | tech. weapons ballistic test | Beschussversuch {m} [Beschuss eines Materials] |  |
 | material base materials [basic or underlying materials] | Grundstoffe {pl} |  |
 | material engineered wood {sg} [wood-based materials] | Holzwerkstoffe {pl} |  |
 | MedTech. entrance surface | Eintrittsseite {f} [eines Materials, z. B. Brustgewebe] |  |
 | constr. material tech. feed size [diameter of pieces fed into something] | Aufgabegröße {f} [Korngröße des eingespeisten Materials] |  |
 | ind. jobs hazmat manager [hazardous materials manager] | Gefahrgutbeauftragter {m} |  |
 | tech. impact table [materials testing] | Stoßtisch {m} |  |
 | ind. tech. material allocation [also: allocation of materials] | Materialzuteilung {f} |  |
 | material tech. model mixture [of materials] | Modellmischung {f} [von Materialien] |  |
 | presentation case [for moderation with workshop materials] | Moderationskoffer {m} |  |
 | recycled product [product made of recycled materials] | Recyclingprodukt {n} |  |
 | sample case [portable container for sample materials] | Materialienkoffer {m} |  |
 | skid resistance [e.g. of flooring materials] | Rutschhemmung {f} |  |
 | tech. stress level [e. g. of road surfaces, tendons, materials] | Belastungsstufe {f} [z. B. für Materialien, Körperorgane] |  |
 | FireResc vehicle placard [hazardous materials] | Gefahrgutkennzeichen {n} |  |
 | lit. sociol. writing culture [culture based on written materials] | Schriftkultur {f} [basierend auf Geschriebenem] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | econ. C (class) items [ABC analysis, materials management] | Penner {pl} [ugs.] [C-Teile in der ABC-Analyse] |  |
 | material full price sale [price covering raw materials and processing] | Vollpreisgeschäft {n} |  |
 | outward stock movement [materials management and control] | Lagerabgang {m} [Materialwirtschaft] |  |
 | rate of usage [materials management and control] | Materialabgangsrate {f} [Materialwirtschaft] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | amount of raw material [also: amount of raw materials] | Rohstoffmenge {f} |  |