Dictionary English German: [margin]

Translation 1 - 9 of 9

English German
comp. screen {adj} [attr.] [e.g. margin, mask, lock, resolution]
Bildschirm- [z. B. Rand, Maske, Sperre, Auflösung]
biol. bot. mycol. emarginate {adj} [notched at the apex or margin]ausgebuchtet
margining {adj} {pres-p} [supplying with a margin]mit einem Rand versehend
games sports to edge sb. [Am.] [defeat by a small margin]jdn. knapp besiegen
gloss [brief note on sth. in the margin or between lines in a text]
Glosse {f}
fin. balance [margin, discrepancy]
Differenz {f}
ling. lit. gloze [archaic] [explanatory note on page margin]Glosse {f} [kurze Erklärung am Rand einer Textseite]
2 Words
games sports to edge sb. out [defeat by a small margin]jdn. knapp besiegen
anat. lid margin [margin of the eyelid]Lidrand {m}
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