Dictionary English German: [many]

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
multifarious {adj} [many and various]
[how many] wieviele [FALSCH für: wie viele]
any {adj} {pron} [one of many]
any {adj} {pron} [one of many]
cockamamie {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [also: cockamamy, -manie or -many] [incredible]
fadenscheinig [pej.] [unglaubwürdig]
plus {conj} [coll.; considered an error by many authorities]
any {adj} {pron} [one of many]
any {adj} {pron} [one of many]
einer [f. sing. Gen. und Dat.]
bibl. [... for many be called, but few chosen.]... Viele sind berufen, aber wenige sind auserwählt. [hum.] [Redewendung] [nach dem Gleichnis von den Arbeitern im Weinberg]
choiceful {adj} [providing many choices](eine) reiche Auswahl bietend [attr.]
biol. polyphagous {adj} [feeding on or utilizing many kinds of food]polyphag [von verschiedener Nahrung lebend]
to broadcast sth. [tell to many people]
etw.Akk. rumposaunen [ugs.] [herumposaunen]
math. to inscribe sth. [to draw a regular figure within another so as to touch in as many places as possible]
etw.Akk. einbeschreiben [einen Kreis bzw. Vieleck so in ein Vieleck bzw. Kreis zeichnen, dass die Ecken den Kreis berühren]
math. to circumscribe sth. [to construct one regular geometrical figure around another so as to touch as many points as possible]
etw.Akk. umbeschreiben
to oversell sth. [sell too many]von etw. [Dat.]zu viel verkaufen
item [one of many objects, articles]
Stück {n} [einzelner Gegenstand einer Menge]
outcry [esp. general, by many people]
Geschrei {n}
tags [coll.] [graffiti: many personal signatures]
Tags {pl} [ugs.] [Graffiti: Ansammlung von persönlichen Signaturen]
ling. [numeral showing how many different kinds, with -erlei suffix]
Gattungszahlwort {n}
hist. [period (1871-1873) when many industrial firms were founded in Germany]
Gründerzeit {f}
hist. [period (1871-1873) when many industrial firms were founded in Germany]Gründerjahre {pl}
urban [Station Street] [street name in many German, Austrian and Swiss cities and towns]Bahnhofstraße {f}
urban [Townhall Square] [street name in many German, Austrian and Swiss towns and cities]Rathausplatz {m}
gastr. banquet [for many guests]Gasterei {f} [veraltet]
ling. Engrish [humorous expression for the way many Japanese pronounce English]Engrish {n} [hum.] [Ausdruck für die Art, wie viele Japaner Englisch aussprechen]
factualness [state of containing many facts]Faktenvielfalt {f}
bot. fruitlet [one of many fruit segments]Früchtchen {n} [eines von vielen Fruchtsegementen]
2 Words: Others
Mercy buckets! [hum.] [many thanks - corruption of merci beaucoup (in French)]Vielen Dank!
of them {pron} [e.g., many of them]ihrer [geh.] [z. B. ihrer viele: viele von ihnen]
2 Words: Verbs
fin. to be overbanked [have too many banks]overbanked sein [zu viele Banken haben]
to cast ballots [in plural meaning; many persons]ihre Stimme abgeben [in Mehrzahl; mehrere Personen]
2 Words: Nouns
jobs European Engineer <EUR ING> [title for highly qualified engineers used in many European countries]Europa-Ingenieur {m} <EUR ING> [Qualitätsstandard für europäische Ingenieure]
anat. zool. hypobranchial gland [in many molluscs]Hypobranchialdrüse {f} [Sekretionsorgan vieler Mollusken]
hist. Jewish gate [town gate in many medieval towns]Judentor {n} [Stadttor in vielen mittelalterl. Städten]
hist. mil. Ottoman war [one of many]Türkenkrieg {m} [einer von vielen]
Pooh Bah [coll.] [person holding many public or private offices]Hansdampf {m} in allen Gassen
tech. production stage [i.e. one of many in a series]Produktionsschritt {m}
hunting zool. royal stag [coll.] [in general, having many antler tines]kapitaler Bock {m} [ugs.] [allgemein: Hirsch mit vielen Geweihenden]
3 Words: Others
after many years {adv} [many years later]viele Jahre später
in many ways {adv} [in many respects]in mancherlei Hinsicht
many years of [e.g. many years of experience]langjährig [z. B. langjährige Erfahrung]
sb. is bored of sth. [many prefer "bored with"]etw. langweilt jdn.
3 Words: Nouns
scores of miles [many miles]Dutzende {pl} (von) Meilen [ugs.] [jede Menge, viele Meilen]
scores of miles [many miles]dutzende (von) Meilen {pl} [ugs.] [jede Menge, viele Meilen]
4 Words: Verbs
to spread oneself too thin [idiom] [to do too many things at once]sich selbst überfordern [zu viele Dinge gleichzeitig tun]
5+ Words: Others
How far gone are you? [How many months/weeks pregnant?]In welchem Monat bist du? [Schwangerschaft]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. Austrian royal imperial chartered railways [many different companies]österreichische k.k. privilegierte Eisenbahnen {pl} [viele verschiedene Gesellschaften]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
mycol. T
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