| English  | German |  |
 | decisive {adj} [making a decision] | 464 entschlossen |  |
 | exacerbating {adj} {pres-p} [making worse] | 86 verschärfend [schlimmer machend] |  |
 | cheering {adj} [giving hope, making glad, or giving courage] | 20 aufmunternd |  |
 | transparent {adj} [e.g. methods, methodology, decision-making process] | 16 nachvollziehbar |  |
 | compromising {adj} {pres-p} [making a compromise] | Kompromiss schließend |  |
 | filming {pres-p} [making into film] | verfilmend |  |
 | piercing {pres-p} [making holes] | lochend |  |
Verbs |
 | automot. to tweak sth. [coll.] [improve sth. by making fine adjustments] | 338 etw. frisieren [ugs.] [die Leistung durch nachträgliche Veränderungen steigern] |  |
 | to carry sb./sth. [coll.] [loss-making concern, non-productive worker] | 17 jdn./etw. durchschleppen [ugs.] [Verlustgeschäft, unproduktiven Arbeiter] |  |
 | to shatter [while making a clanging or clinking sound] | 5 zerklirren |  |
 | ind. to discontinue sth. [stop making a product] | die Produktion von etw.Dat. einstellen |  |
Nouns |
 | constr. wattle [material for making fences, walls, etc., consisting of rods or stakes interlaced with twigs or branches] | 426 Flechtwerk {n} |  |
 | bootlegger [making illicit copies of sth.] | 223 Raubkopierer {m} |  |
 | dash [a small splash as in making a drink] | 129 Spritzer {m} |  |
 | art statuary [archaic] [art or practice of making statues] | 95 Bildhauerei {f} |  |
 | agr. FoodInd. dairy [for making cheese] | 77 Käserei {f} |  |
 | cuckoldry [dated] [literary] [act of making sb. a cuckold] | 47 Hörneraufsetzen {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [selten] [den Ehemann betrügen] |  |
 | neol. schlimmbesserung [making sth. worse by trying to make it better] | 46 Verschlimmbesserung {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | law legislation [law-making] | 45 Legislatur {f} |  |
 | law legislation [law-making] | 29 Legislation {f} |  |
 | art statuary [archaic] [art of making statues] | 27 Bildhauerkunst {f} |  |
 | art ceramics {pl} [usually treated as sg.] [the art of making ceramic articles] | 19 Töpferkunst {f} |  |
 | textil. tatting [lace making] | 19 Klöppeln {n} [Spitze] |  |
 | acad. surveying [science of making surveys of land] | 17 Vermessungskunde {f} |  |
 | games sports gamesmanship [way of increasing one's chances of success against an opponent by making him lose confidence] | 16 [Versuch, durch Verunsicherung des Gegners zu gewinnen, ohne gegen die Regeln zu verstoßen] |  |
 | recording [act of making a written record of sth.] | 14 Protokollierung {f} |  |
 | oenol. disgorgement [in the making of sparkling wine] | 13 Degorgement {n} |  |
 | spec. satisficing [decision-making strategy] | 11 Satisficing {n} [Begriff der Entscheidungstheorie] |  |
 | vehicle [fig.] [way / means of expressing sth. or of making sth. happen] | 11 Vehikel {n} [fig.] [Mittel um etwas deutlich, wirksam oder möglich zu machen] |  |
 | wheel [for making pottery] | 10 Scheibe {f} [Töpferscheibe] |  |
 | jobs theatre costumer [tailor making costumes] | 8 Kostümier {m} |  |
 | textil. rags [generally, also for making paper] | 7 Hadern {pl} [österr.] [südd.] |  |
 | pol. socialization [act or process of making socialistic] | 6 Verstaatlichung {f} |  |
 | impregnation [the act or process of making a person pregnant] | 5 Schwängern {n} |  |
 | hist. jobs [Bohemian workers in the Viennese brick making industry] | Ziegelböhm {pl} [österr.] [ugs.] |  |
 | law [judge making solo decisions] | Einzelrichter {m} |  |
 | [state of sitting on the fence, incapable of making a decision] | Geeiere {n} [fig.] [pej.] |  |
 | tech. boring [making a hole] | Bohren {n} |  |
 | traffic Copenhagenization [making a city more accessible to bicyclists and pedestrians, and less car dependent] | Kopenhagenisierung {f} |  |
 | cutinization [making of cutin as outer epidermal wall of a plant ] | Bildung {f} von fester Haut |  |
 | mus. Hausmusik [music making in the home] | Hausmusik {f} |  |
 | impregnation [the act or process of making a person pregnant] | Schwängerung {f} |  |
 | econ. incrementalism [e.g. in decision-making] | (schrittweises) Herantasten {n} |  |
 | geogr. geol. mapmaking [also: map-making] | Kartieren {n} |  |
 | naturalization [action of making, or causing to appear, natural] | Vernatürlichung {f} |  |
 | perfumery [(art of) making perfume] | Parfümherstellung {f} |  |
 | relig. reparation [making amends] | Sühneleistung {f} |  |
 | psych. spec. sensemaking [also: sense-making] | Sensemaking {n} [Fachjargon für: Sinnstiftung] |  |
 | textil. tatting [type of lace making] | Schiffchenarbeit {f} [Occhi, Frivolitätenarbeit] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to pop open [coll.] [making a plopping sound] | aufploppen [ugs.] |  |