| English  | German |  |
 | comfortable {adj} [majority] | 21 satt [Mehrheit] |  |
Verbs |
 | to constitute sth. [make up, e.g. the majority, a part or proportion] | 542 etw.Akk. ausmachen [bilden, sein, z. B. die Mehrheit, einen Teil] |  |
 | pol. to landslide [fig.] [win an election by a large majority] | einen Erdrutschsieg erringen [fig.] |  |
Nouns |
 | law major [person who has reached majority] | 59 Volljähriger {m} |  |
 | lump [majority, multitude] | 27 Masse {f} [Mehrheit, Menge] |  |
 | achievement [e.g. freedom, a majority, rank] | 18 Erlangen {n} [von Rang, Würde etc.] |  |
 | pol. [formation of a majority coalition] | Mehrheitsbildung {f} |  |
2 Words |
 | extremely narrow {adj} [majority] | hauchdünn [Mehrheit] |  |
 | journ. pol. healthy majority [coll.] [fig.] [substantial majority] | satte Mehrheit {f} [ugs.] [fig.] |  |
 | sociol. majority culture [culture shared by the majority of a population] | Mehrheitskultur {f} [Kultur der Mehrheit einer Bevölkerung] |  |
 | pol. majority party [political party forming the majority in a parliament] | Mehrheitsfraktion {f} [Partei, die in einem Parlament die Mehrheit bildet] |  |
 | pol. majority principle [principle of majority rule] | Majoritätsprinzip {n} |  |