| English | German | |
| down {adv} [to a lower position, place] | 1054 herunter | |
| down {adv} [at a low or lower position] | 282 unten | |
| inferior {adj} [lower in rank] | 33 niedriger | |
| accessory {adj} [lower-ranking] | 10 untergeordnet | |
| down {adv} [to a lower position] | 6 niederwärts [veraltet] | |
| law puisne {adj} [chiefly Br.] [esp. of a judge: of lower rank] | untergeordnet [bes. von einem Richter: rangjünger, rangniedriger] | |
Verbs |
| law to remit sth. [e.g. a case to a lower court] | 57 etw. zurückverweisen [z. B. einen Fall an ein vorinstanzliches Gericht] | |
| audio mus. to depress sth. [lower in pitch] | 41 etw.Akk. vertiefen [z. B. eine Musiknote] | |
| econ. pol. to downgrade sth. [lower in status] | 41 etw. abstufen [herabstufen] | |
| [to pull a face with a protruding lower lip, when sulky or starting to cry] | ein Schippchen machen [ugs., hum.] | |
| [to pull a face with a protruding lower lip, when sulky or starting to cry] | ein Schippchen ziehen [ugs., hum.] | |
| to duck [lower the head or the body quickly] | sich ducken | |
| to duck [lower the head quickly] | den Kopf einziehen | |
| geol. tech. to overprint sth. [e.g. lower rock layers by those on top] | etw.Akk. überprägen [z. B. tieferliegende durch höherliegende Gesteinsschichten] | |
Nouns |
| floor [lower limit] | 155 Untergrenze {f} | |
| sling [loop of strap, rope, or chain used to carry, raise, or lower] | 66 Riemen {m} [zum Ziehen, Schleppen, Hängen etc.] | |
| RadioTV chyron [Am.] [coll.] [lower third] | 63 Bauchbinde {f} [Einblendung am unteren Bildrand] | |
| educ. [Lower Secondary Education] | 44 Hauptschule {f} [Hauptschulbildung] | |
| zool. jowl [jaw, esp. the lower jaw] | 33 Kiefer {m} [bes. Unterkiefer] | |
| constr. dado [lower part of a wall] | 26 Sockel {m} [Wand, Mauer] | |
| anat. gaiter [rare] [lower leg] | 14 Unterschenkel {m} | |
| geogr. oenol. TrVocab. [line of thermal springs in Lower Austria, wine and spa region] | 7 Thermenlinie {f} | |
| mésalliance [marriage with a person of lower social status] | 7 Mesalliance {f} [geh.] [nicht standesgemäße Ehe] | |
| RadioTV caption [lower third] | 6 Bauchbinde {f} [Insert] | |
| hunting tusk [in the lower jaw of a male wild boar] | 6 Gewehr {n} [fachspr.] [Hauer; Eckzahn im Unterkiefer eines Keilers] | |
| RadioTV aston [coll.] [lower third] [Br.] | 5 Bauchbinde {f} [Einblendung am unteren Bildrand] | |
| [German sausage variety commonly served in parts of Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt] | Bregenwurst {f} [auch: Brägenwurst] [Mettwurstsorte] | |
| mus. [in lute tuning, to lower the pitch of the lowest note by a tone] | Abzug {m} [Laute] | |
| pol. [presiding officer of Austrian parliament or of the lower house of the Swiss parliament] | Nationalratspräsident {m} | |
| pol. [principle that benefits must be lower than wages] | Lohnabstandsgebot {n} | |
| hist. lit. [sexually approachable lower class young woman] | Süßes Mädel {n} [Wien um 1900] | |
| [sleeping with a person at a lower rung of society] | Runterschlafen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [selten] [mit jdm. unter der eigenen sozialen Stellung schlafen] | |
| naut. aak [type of flat-bottomed lighter on the Lower Rhine] | Aak {n} [flaches Rheinfrachtschiff] | |
| geogr. batture [Am.] [esp. along the lower Mississippi River] | Batture {f} [selten] [Alluvialland zwischen Fluss und Deich] | |
| geogr. Bogen [town in Lower Bavaria] | Bogen {n} [Stadt in Niederbayern] | |
| geogr. hist. Boleslawiec [Bolesławiec] [Lower Silesian Voivodeship] | Bunzlau {n} | |
| dado [lower part of the interior wall] | untere Wandbekleidung {f} [Sockelbereich] | |
| geogr. Gnadensee [western part of Lower Lake Constance] [rarely translated as Lake of Mercy] | Gnadensee {m} | |
| educ. Hauptschule [secondary school in Germany, with lower secondary education (level 2) acc. to the ISCED] | Hauptschule {f} [Schulform mit dem Level 2 nach ISCED-Klassifikation der UNESCO] | |
| geogr. Industrieviertel [industrial quarter] [Lower Austria] | Industrieviertel {n} [Niederösterreich] | |
| geogr. Mostviertel [cider quarter] [Lower Austria] | Mostviertel {n} [Niederösterreich] | |
| mouche [a small patch of beard shaped and allowed to grow under the lower lip] | Fliege {f} [Unterlippenbärtchen] | |
| pol. Sejm [lower house of Polish parliament] | Sejm {m} | |
| med. stillbirth [birth weight lower than 500g] | (späte) Fehlgeburt {f} | |
| hist. pol. szlachta [Polish lower nobility] | Szlachta {f} [polnischer Kleinadel] | |
| hunting zool. tusks {pl} [upper and lower canine teeth that protrude from the mouth of adult male wild boar] | Gewaff {n} [Gruppe der aus dem Kiefer seitlich der Schnauze hervortretenden Eckzähne des Keilers] | |
| underpart [lower or underneath part] | Unterteil {n} {m} | |
| geogr. Waldviertel [forest quarter] [Lower Austria] | Waldviertel {n} [Niederösterreich] | |
| geogr. oenol. Weinviertel [wine quarter] [Lower Austria] | Weinviertel {n} [Niederösterreich] | |
2 Words: Others |
| geol. Lower Eocene {adj} [also: lower Eocene] | untereozän | |