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| cheap {adj} [low in price; charging low prices] | 475 günstig [billig] | |
| keen {adj} [Br.: very low (in price)] | 383 günstig [Preis] | |
| keen {adj} [Br.: very low (in price)] | 333 niedrig [Preis] | |
| down {adv} [at a low or lower position] | 282 unten | |
| glum {adj} [person: in low spirits] | 158 niedergeschlagen [Person: in gedrückter Stimmung] | |
| low {adj} {adv} [not good, low in number] | 88 schlecht [gering, niedrig] | |
| despondent {adj} [with one's head hanging low] | 70 kopfhängend [auch fig.] | |
| lowly {adj} [low in status] | 62 klein [Angestellter etc.] | |
| faint {adj} [of low light intensity, dim] | 39 lichtschwach | |
| cloth. revealing {adj} [low-cut] | 37 offenherzig [hum.] [tief ausgeschnitten] | |
| depressed {adj} [low] | 34 niedrig | |
| simple {adj} [of very low intelligence] | 24 dumm | |
| [quality of soil with low oxygen content too low to allow decomposition of human remains] {adj} | verwesungsmüde [Eigenschaft von Böden] | |
| naut. [riding low in the water] {adj} | tiefliegend [Rsv. für tief liegend] [z. B. Boot] | |
| comm. giveaway {adj} [attr.] [coll.] [at a very low price] | praktisch geschenkt | |
Verbs |
| to hum [to make soft low continuous noise] | 228 brummen [z. B. Gerät, Kreisel, Hummel] | |
| to buzz sth. [coll.] [to fly low over sth.] | etw.Akk. niedrig überfliegen [in niedriger Flughöhe über etw.] | |
Nouns |
| meadow [piece of low ground near a river] | 806 Aue {f} [poet. od regional] [an einem Bach oder Fluss gelegenes flaches Gelände mit saftigen Wiesen] | |
| pittance [low wages] | 445 Almosen {n} [niedriger Lohn] | |
| furn. commode [low chest of drawers or chiffonier of a decorative type popular in the 18th century] | 111 Kommode {f} [bes. stark verzierte, niedrige Kommode des 18. Jahrhunderts] | |
| journ. rag [coll.] [pej.] [low-quality newspaper] | 94 Revolverblatt {n} [pej.] [veraltend] | |
| lowbrow [also: low-brow] | 69 Banause {m} [pej.] | |
| meadow [esp. piece of low ground near a river] | 40 Au {f} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] | |
| lowbrow [also: low-brow] | 39 Kulturbanause {m} [ugs.] | |
| mus. contralto [low female alto, male altus] | 37 Kontralto {m} [tiefe Frauenstimme, hohe Männerstimme] | |
| meteo. trough [low pressure area] | 34 Ausläufer {m} [eines Tiefs] | |
| law [low pressure connection regulation] | 15 Niederdruckanschlussverordnung {f} <NDAV> | |
| furn. taboret [low stool] | 13 Schemel {m} | |
| comm. FoodInd. hist. [sales counter at a slaughterhouse selling low quality meat] | 11 Freibank {f} [veraltend] | |
| bargain [bought or offered at low price] | 11 Mezie {f} [österr.] [aus dem Jiddischen] | |
| med. hypotension [low blood pressure] | 11 Unterdruck {m} [niedriger Blutdruck] | |
| geogr. key [small, low-lying island, esp. in the Caribbean] | 10 Insel {f} [bes. eine kleine, tiefliegende Insel] | |
| archi. RealEst. plex [Can.] [low-rise apartment building] | 5 [kleines Mehrparteienhaus in Kanada] | |
| textil. [cotton fabric imitating low-cost woollen fabric] | Zeugstoff {m} | |
| film [high-budget film, but of low artistic value] | Schinken {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [auch hum.] [aufwendiger Film von geringem künstlerischem Wert] | |
| [land which is only to be developed to a low level] | geringfügig bebautes Grundstück {n} | |
| [low-grade paper] | Schrenz {m} [veraltend] [minderwertiges Papier] | |
| [low-quality industrial grade egg product] | Schleuder-Ei {n} [ugs. oder Branchenjargon] [pej.] | |
| ling. [mixture of High and Low German] | Missingsch {n} | |
| traffic [period of low traffic intensity] | Schwachverkehrszeit {f} <SVZ> | |
| for. [solitary, stunted young tree - especially a low, bushy pine] | Kussel {f} | |
| mus. contralto [low female alto, male altus] | Contralto {m} [tiefe Frauenstimme, hohe Männerstimme] | |
| meteo. cyclogenesis [e.g., development of a new low pressure system] | Zyklogenese {f} | |
| estrade [low platform] | Estrade {f} | |
| gouger [Irish] [coll.] [pej.] [low-class city lout] | Proletenlümmel {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| aviat. mil. hedgehopper [coll.] [low-flying aircraft] | Heckenspringer {m} [ugs.] [Tiefflieger] | |
| cloth. hipsters {pl} [low-rise trousers] | Hipster {f} [Hüfthose] | |
| mil. jawan [Ind.] [soldier (of low rank), infantryman, esp. in the Indian Army] | Soldat {m} [von niedrigem Rang od. Infanterist, bes. in der indischen Armee] | |
| geogr. Kaiserstuhl [low mountain range in the Upper Rhine Valley] | Kaiserstuhl {m} | |
| med. pharm. micropill [coll.] [low-dose combination birth control pill of estrogen and gestagen] | Mikropille {f} [ugs.] [Kombinationspille aus Östrogen und Gestagen] | |