Dictionary English German: [lot]

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busy {adj} [with a lot to do]
busy {adj} [with a lot of work]
eingespannt [arbeitsmäßig]
fizzy {adj} [having a lot of bubbles]
perlend [z. B. Perlwein]
to fuss [need a lot of pressing]sich zieren [Umstände machen]
mound [heap, lot]
Haufen {m}
traffic lot [Am.] [coll.] [parking lot]
Parkplatz {m}
comm. item [job lot]
Warenposten {m}
parcel [lot, quantity]
Stück {n}
naut. leadsman
Lotgast {m} [Seemann, der das Lot bedient]
ling. [sb. who uses a lot of English expressions in German]
Sprachpanscher {m} [pej.]
[lot]Loos {n} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Los]
archi. constr. sublot [partial lot]Teillos {n}
talker [someone who talks a lot]Vielredner {m}
2 Words: Others
constr. sth. is plumb [sth. is perfectly vertical]etw. ist in der Senkrechten [im Lot]
2 Words: Verbs
to be loaded [coll.] [have a lot of money]schwerreich sein [ugs.]
to be plumbvertikal ausgerichtet sein [im Lot sein]
to be tough [be able to take a lot]hart im Nehmen sein [Redewendung]
idiom to launch out [coll.] [spend a lot]sich in Unkosten stürzen
to make bank [coll.] [earn a lot of money]Kasse machen [ugs.] [Gewinn erzielen]
2 Words: Nouns
big bikkies {pl} [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [a lot of money]Heu {n} [ugs.] [viel Geld]
photo. frequent snapper [Br.] [coll.] [someone who takes a lot of photos]Vielknipser {m} [ugs.] [oft leicht pej.] [jemand, der viele Fotos macht]
sack rat [Am.] [coll.] [sb. who sleeps a lot]Langschläfer {m} [ugs.]
scads {pl} of sth. [Am.] [coll.] [a lot of sth.]ein Haufen {m} von etw.Dat. [ugs.]
med. pharm. seed lot [master seed lot, working seed lot]Saatbank {f} [Stammsaatbank, Arbeitssaatbank]
3 Words: Others
in the spotlight {adv} [fig.] [receiving a lot of public attention]im Rampenlicht [fig.] [stark beachtet]
in the spotlight {adv} [fig.] [receiving a lot of public attention]im Brennpunkt des Interesses
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to lash out on sth. [Br.] [coll.] [to spend a lot of money on sth.]sichDat. etw. gönnen [viel ausgeben, teure Dinge kaufen]
to make a fuss [need a lot of pressing]sich zieren [sich lange bitten lassen]
to make a pile [coll.] [a lot of money]viel Geld verdienen
3 Words: Nouns
a bunch of ... [quite a lot]eine Menge {f} ...
a good deal [a lot]eine Menge {f}
Andler's batchsize formula [Andler lot size formula]Andler-Formel {f}
Andler's batchsize formula [Andler lot size formula]Andlersche Losgrößenformel {f} [alt]
pharm. seed lot systemSaatgutsystem {n} [Seed-Lot-System]
4 Words: Others
proverb A lot helps a lot!Viel hilft viel!
4 Words: Verbs
to make a big fuss [also: ... a lot of fuss]richtig / viel Staat machen [veraltend] [großen Aufwand treiben]
to put oneself out for sb./sth. [to go to a lot of trouble]sichDat. wegen jdm./etw. Umstände machen [Idiom]
to sort oneself out (again) [idiom](wieder) ins (rechte) Gleis kommen [Redewendung] [ins Lot kommen]
4 Words: Nouns
filling in sunken graves [to the lot level]Auffüllen {n} eingesunkener Gräber [niveaugleich]
5+ Words: Verbs
to go for a blow out [coll.] [idiom] [eat a lot]ausgiebig essen gehen
to go out on a limb [idiom] [risk a lot or too much]sichAkk. weit aus dem Fenster lehnen [Redewendung] [sich sehr weit vorwagen, stark exponieren]
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