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 | electr. tech. peak {adj} [attr.] [e.g. load, power] | 53 Höchst- [z. B. Last, Leistung] |  |
 | surcharged {adj} {past-p} [load etc.] | 10 überlastet |  |
 | burdensome {adj} [load] | 9 schwer [Gewicht] |  |
Verbs |
 | naut. to stevedore sth. [to load the cargo of a ship] | 47 etw.Akk. beladen [ein Schiff] |  |
 | to tarp sth. [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [cover the load area of a truck with a tarpaulin] | 20 etw. beplanen [Ladefläche z. B. eines LKW mit einer Plane bedecken] |  |
 | naut. to bunker [load a vessel's bunker with coal or oil for the engine] | 17 bunkern |  |
 | naut. to stevedore sth. [to load or unload the cargo of a ship] | etw.Akk. be- und entladen [ein Schiff] |  |
Nouns |
 | aviat. mil. payload [bomb load] | 19 Bombenlast {f} |  |
 | tote [Am.] [burden, load] | 14 Last {f} [Traglast] |  |
 | operator [electrical circuit and load breaker] | 13 Antrieb {m} [elektrischer Leistungs- und Lasttrennschalter] |  |
 | automot. bakkie [S.Afr.] [pickup or utility vehicle with an open load area] | 5 [(leichtes) Nutzfahrzeug mit offener Ladefläche] |  |
 | photo. Instamatic™ [a series of inexpensive, easy-to-load 126 and 110 cameras] ["Instamatic" became a generic term, esp. for cartridge-loading cameras] | Instamatic-Kamera {f} [Instamatic®] |  |
 | ind. jobs tech. slinger [person that is responsible for attaching and detaching the load to and from the lifting equipment (esp. crane)] | Anschläger {m} [Person, befasst mit der Last einer Hebevorrichtung (bes. Kran)] |  |
 | mil. webbing [coll.] [Personal Load Carrying Equipment <PLCE>] | Koppeltragehilfe {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | engin. tech. service-like {adj} [e.g. a load] | betriebsähnlich [z. B. eine Beanspruchung] [fachspr.] |  |
 | tarped-off {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [covered with a tarpaulin, the load area of a truck] | überplant [mit einer Plane bedeckt, Ladefläche eines LKW] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | tech. to charge sth. (with sth.) [fill, load, feed] | etw.Akk. (mit etw.Dat.) beschicken [befüllen] |  |
 | to lash (down) [load on truck etc.] | verzurren |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | aviat. transp. aircraft container [unit load device] | Luftfrachtcontainer {m} |  |
 | aviat. transp. aircraft pallet [unit load device] | Luftfrachtpalette {f} |  |
 | automot. bearing load [load on the coupling joint] | Stützlast {f} |  |
 | zool. bio-load [coll.] [biological load] | Bio-Last {f} [ugs.] [biologische Last] |  |
 | tech. burst load [ultimate load] | Berstdruck {m} |  |
 | comp. ETL process [extract, transform, load] | ETL-Prozess {m} |  |
 | comm. groupage wagon [combined load] | Sammelwaggon {m} |  |
 | constr. king pile [load-bearing element in a combination wall] | Hauptpfahl {m} [Tragelement in einer Kombiwand] |  |
 | tech. load arm [of a lever] [also: load-arm] | Lastarm {m} [eines Hebels] |  |
 | phys. tech. load capacity [load-bearing capacity] | Tragkraft {f} |  |
 | automot. load index <LI> [tires] | Loadindex {m} <LI> [auch: Load-Index] [Reifen] |  |
 | load reduction [from rated to zero load] | Abfahren {n} [Leistungsmind. v. Nenn- auf Null-Leistung] |  |
 | material material limit [of volume, load, etc.] | Materialgrenze {f} [bei Volumen, Belastung etc.] |  |
 | electr. tech. reactive load [also: wattless or dummy load] | Blindlast {f} [auch: Blindbelastung] |  |
 | SWL plate [SWL: safe working load] | Traglastschild {n} |  |
 | aviat. ULD container [unit load device] | ULD-Container {m} |  |
 | aviat. ULD pallet [unit load device] | ULD-Palette {f} |  |
 | weight distribution [of load] | Lastverteilung {f} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | automot. tech. at no-load {adv} [also: at no load] | im Leerlauf |  |
 | at no-load {adv} [also: at no load] | ohne Last |  |
 | automot. transp. out-of-gauge {adj} [e.g. vehicle, load] | maßüberschreitend [z. B. Fahrzeug, Ladung] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | air cargo container [unit load device] | Luftfrachtcontainer {m} |  |
 | air cargo pallet [unit load device] | Luftfrachtpalette {f} |  |
 | transp. friction-lock securing [load] | kraftschlüssige Sicherung {f} [Ladung] |  |
 | electr. full load amperage {sg} <FLA, full load amps> | Volllast-Ampere {pl} |  |
 | transp. positive-lock securing [load] | formschlüssige Sicherung {f} [Ladung] |  |
 | FireResc scoop and run | Scoop and Run {n} [entspricht dem Load and Go] |  |
 | unit loading device <ULD> [less often] [unit load device] | Unit-Load-Device {n} [Palette oder Container] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to take the load off sth. [mechanical load] | etw.Akk. entlasten [mechanisch] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | constr. tech. With a static load the permissible overall load capacity is ... | Bei statischer Belastung beträgt die zulässige Gesamtbelastung ... |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | naut. length (at the) water line <LWL> [originally: load water length] | Länge {f} auf Wasserlinie |  |
 | MedTech. X-ray tube exposure cycle time [load period] | Belastungsperiode {f} |  |