| English  | German |  |
 | defunct {adj} [no longer living, dead] | 503 verstorben <verst.> [geh.] |  |
 | settled {adj} [living in one place] | 265 sesshaft |  |
 | viable {adj} [capable of living] | 104 überlebensfähig |  |
 | biol. med. aberrative {adj} [in development of living tissue] | 24 fehlentwickelt |  |
 | zool. solitary {adj} [living habitually alone] | 20 solitär |  |
 | biol. acidophilic {adj} [of living organisms] | 13 säureliebend [nicht fachspr.] [acidophil] |  |
 | [skill or competency that one can use to earn a living] | etwas, wovon man leben kann |  |
 | coeval {adj} [living at the same time] | gleichzeitig lebend |  |
 | partnered {adj} [living in a civil partnership] | verpartnert |  |
 | bot. zool. rupicoline {adj} [rare] [living on rocks] | auf Felsen wohnend |  |
 | bot. zool. rupicolous {adj} [living on rocks] | auf Felsen wohnend |  |
 | separated {adj} [living apart] | getrennt lebend |  |
 | ecol. stercoricolous {adj} [living in excrement] | stercoricol [in Exkrementen lebend] |  |
 | ecol. stercoricolous {adj} [living in excrement] | sterkorikol [in Exkrementen lebend] |  |
Verbs |
 | to provide sth. [afford] [opportunity, living etc.] | 5606 etw.Akk. anbieten |  |
 | to earn sth. [money, 50 euros an hour, one's living, etc.] | 5369 etw.Akk. verdienen [Geld, 50 Euro die Stunde, seinen Lebensunterhalt etc.] |  |
 | to subsist [make a living, live on] | 406 leben |  |
 | to hustle [sl.] [to earn one's living by illicit means] | Geld ranschaffen [ugs.] [seinen Lebensunterhalt auf illegale Weise bestreiten] |  |
Nouns |
 | RealEst. parlor [Am.] [living room] | 692 Wohnzimmer {n} |  |
 | parlour [Br.] [dated] [living room] | 521 Stube {f} [regional, sonst veraltend] [Wohnzimmer] |  |
 | parlor [Am.] [dated] [living room] | 203 Stube {f} [regional, sonst veraltend] [Wohnzimmer] |  |
 | VetMed. vivisection [the cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation] | 66 Tierversuch {m} [Eingriff am lebenden Tier zu wissenschaftl. Versuchszwecken] |  |
 | RealEst. sociol. housing {sg} [living conditions] | 55 Wohnverhältnisse {pl} |  |
 | simplicity [way of living, behaviour] | 47 Bescheidenheit {f} [Lebensweise] |  |
 | living [way of living] | 45 Lebensweise {f} |  |
 | livability [Am.] [suitability for human living] | 35 Lebensqualität {f} [Lebenswert] |  |
 | living [way of earning one's living] | 32 Broterwerb {m} |  |
 | stove [to heat a living room] | 30 Stubenofen {m} [veraltet] |  |
 | circumstances [living conditions] | 27 Lebensverhältnisse {pl} |  |
 | archi. mews [esp. Br.] [stables with living quarters] | 22 Stallungen {pl} |  |
 | dreamer [person living in a dream world] | 19 Traumtänzer {m} [pej.] |  |
 | strains [in living beings] | 19 Strapazen {pl} |  |
 | law neol. Vorlass [literary, musical or artistic estate of a living person, already placed in a research library, scholarly archive or museum] | 18 Vorlass {m} |  |
 | archi. RealEst. basement [for living in] | 17 Tiefparterre {n} [Souterrain, zu Wohnzwecken genutzt] |  |
 | countryman [person living in a rural area] | 17 Landbewohner {m} |  |
 | sponging [coll.] [living at the expense of others] | 13 Schmarotzerei {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | mil. naut. tender [living ship] | 13 Beischiff {n} |  |
 | coaster [person living on a coast] | 12 Küstenbewohner {m} |  |
 | countrymen {pl} [people living in a rural area] [collectively] | 11 Landbevölkerung {f} |  |
 | hist. mil. cantonist [Prussian Army before 1813, Prussian people living in a recruiting district and required to serve in the army] | 9 Kantonist {m} |  |
 | archaeo. hist. Neolithics [people living in the Neolithic Age] | 7 Neolithiker {pl} |  |
 | ethn. hist. [ethnic Germans living abroad] | 6 Volksdeutsche {pl} |  |
 | [a female Austrian living abroad] | Auslandsösterreicherin {f} |  |
 | geogr. [a female from or living in the Grisons] | Bünderin {f} |  |
 | geogr. [a male from or living in the Grisons] | Bündner {m} |  |
 | [a West German who has been living in Eastern Germany for at least three years] | Wossi {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | [Austrian living abroad] | Auslandsösterreicher {m} |  |
 | [Austrians living abroad] | Auslandsösterreicher {pl} |  |
 | [ethnic Germans living in Russia] | Russlanddeutsche {pl} |  |
 | hist. [ethnic Germans living in the German Reich] | Reichsdeutsche {pl} |  |