Dictionary English German: [litre]

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
automot. mileage [miles per gallon / litre]
Benzinverbrauch {m}
gastr. eighth [of a litre of wine]
Achtel {n}
brew half [a 1/2 litre of beer]
Halbe {f} [südd.] [österr.]
brew gastr. unit Mass [measure] [one litre / liter of beer in Bavaria]
Maß {f} [bayer.] [österr.] [ein Liter Bier]
gastr. quarter [of a litre of wine]
Viertele {n} [südd.]
gastr. [half a litre of beer]
Seidla {n} [ugs.] [für 1 Seidel, entsprechend 1/2 Ltr. Bier] [fränkisch]
gastr. oenol. Rehoboam [4.5-litre bottle]
Rehoboam {f} [4,5-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. oenol. [an eighth of a litre of wine, usual order in Austria] [Br.]
Achterl {n} [österr.] [auch: Achtel]
oenol. [a quarter of a litre of wine, usual order in Austria]Vierterl {n} [österr.] [auch: Viertel]
gastr. unit [half a litre / liter of beer in Switzerland]Chübel {m} [schweiz.] [halber Liter Bier]
gastr. unit [half a litre / liter of beer in Switzerland]Kübel {m} [schweiz.] [halber Liter Bier]
gastr. oenol. balthazar [12-litre bottle]Balthasar {f} [12-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. oenol. goliath [18-litre bottle]Goliath {f} [18-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. oenol. melchior [18-litre bottle]Melchior {f} [18-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. oenol. Melchizedek [30-litre champagne bottle]Melchisedech-Flasche {f} [30-Liter-Champagnerflasche]
gastr. oenol. methuselah [6-litre bottle]Methusalem {f} [6-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. oenol. Midas [30-litre bottle of Armand de Brignac champagne]Midas {f} [30-Liter-Champagnerflasche von Armand de Brignac]
gastr. oenol. nebuchadnezzar [15-litre bottle]Nebukadnezar {f} [15-Liter-Flasche]
2 Words
brew Steinie (bottle) [NZ] [coll.] [0.33-litre short-necked beer bottle (Steinlager beer)]Steinie {f} [0,33-l-Bierflasche, Steinieform]
oenol. unit wine bottle [0.7 litre] [now also: 0, 75 litre]Bouteille {f} [österr.]
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