Dictionary English German: [liter]

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joyous {adj} [esp. liter.]
unit gallon <gal>
Gallone {f} [Imp.: 4,54609 Liter, US: 3,785411784 Liter]
brew gastr. unit Mass [measure] [one litre / liter of beer in Bavaria]
Maß {f} [bayer.] [österr.] [ein Liter Bier]
unit gill [quarter pint, 5 fl. oz]
Viertelpint {n} [0,142 Liter]
gastr. oenol. Rehoboam [4.5-litre bottle]
Rehoboam {f} [4,5-Liter-Flasche]
unit gill [5 fluid ounces, ¼ pint]
Gill {n} [0,142 Liter]
forty-ounce [Am.] [coll.][amerikanische 1,18-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. oenol. balthazar [12-litre bottle]Balthasar {f} [12-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. unit [half a litre / liter of beer in Switzerland]Chübel {m} [schweiz.] [halber Liter Bier]
gastr. oenol. goliath [18-litre bottle]Goliath {f} [18-Liter-Flasche]
jeroboamJeroboam {f} [3-Liter-Champagnerflasche]
gastr. unit [half a litre / liter of beer in Switzerland]Kübel {m} [schweiz.] [halber Liter Bier]
[a brawl in which a one-liter beer mug is used as a weapon]Maßkrugschlägerei {f}
gastr. oenol. melchior [18-litre bottle]Melchior {f} [18-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. oenol. methuselah [6-litre bottle]Methusalem {f} [6-Liter-Flasche]
gastr. oenol. Midas [30-litre bottle of Armand de Brignac champagne]Midas {f} [30-Liter-Champagnerflasche von Armand de Brignac]
gastr. oenol. nebuchadnezzar [15-litre bottle]Nebukadnezar {f} [15-Liter-Flasche]
brew gastr. unit [≈ 0.2 liter (of beer)]Pfiff {m} [österr.]
unit pipePipe {f} {n} [englisches und amerikanisches Maß für Wein und Spirituosen, 478 Liter]
brew beer and lemonadeRadlermaß {f} [südd.] [Maß = 1 Liter]
gastr. [one liter of wheat beer and lemonade; 50/50 mixture]Russenmaß {f} [1 ltr. Weizenradler] [österr.] [südd.]
Seidl [1/3 liter of beer]Seidl {n} [österr.]
[1/3 liter of beer]Seiterl {n} [österr.]
gastr. [a liter of beer which is consumed while standing in an aisle as opposed to at a table, e.g. at Oktoberfest]Stehmaß {f}
brew gastr. beer boot [traditional 2-litres-beer boot]Stiefel {m} [2-Liter-Bierglas in Stiefelform]
mil. naut. destroyer crew {sg} [destroyer's crew]Zerstörerleute {pl} [liter.] [selten] [veraltet] [aus "Das Boot" von L. Buchheim]
2 Words: Others
sb./sth. made sb.'s heart melt [fig.]jd./etw. schmolz jds. Herz [fig.] [liter.]
rutilant {adj} [shining] [literary or techn.] [also fig.]rötlich glänzend [oder golden] [liter. oder technisch] [auch fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
brew unit (half a) liter [Am.](halbes) Maß {n} [ein (halber) Liter] [südd.]
unit barrel of oilBarrel {m} (Öl) [Maßeinheit für Ölmenge, entspricht einem Ölfass mit 159 Liter Inhalt]
brew gastr. one beer [half a liter]eine Halbe {f} [südd.] [ein halber Liter Bier]
gastr. oenol. Melchizedek [30-litre champagne bottle]Melchisedech-Flasche {f} [30-Liter-Champagnerflasche]
4 Words: Verbs
to consume oneself with sth. [e.g. longing, grief] [liter.]sichAkk. in / vor etw.Dat. verzehren [z. B. Sehnsucht, Gram] [geh.]
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