Dictionary English German: [linear leaf]

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material schlag leaf [also: Schlag leaf] [metal leaf made from a brass alloy (imitation gold leaf)]Schlagmetall {n}
bot. lime leaf [linden leaf, basswood leaf]Lindenblatt {n}
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bot. acuminate {adj} [leaf apex]zugespitzt
bot. pinnatifid {adj} [leaf]fiederspaltig [Blattform]
bot. pinnatipartite {adj} [leaf]fiederteilig [Blattform]
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gastr. potherbs {pl} [leaf vegetables]Blattgemüse {n}
bot. bipinnate {adj} [leaf]doppelt gefiedert [Blatt]
bot. equitant {adj} [leaf arrangement]reitend [Blattstellung]
bot. hort. to leave [leaf out]Blätter bekommen
bot. frond [leaf of fern]Farnkrautwedel {m}
constr. gutter guard [leaf guard]Laubschutz {m}
gastr. dolma [stuffed grape leaf]gefülltes Weinblatt {n}
gilt [gold leaf flakes]Flitter {m} [Blattgoldflocken]
agr. leaf fodder [also: leaf-fodder]Futterlaub {n}
tech. spring deflection [leaf spring]Federweg {m} [Blattfeder]
binder [loose-leaf binder]Hefter {m} [Heftmappe, Schnellhefter]
bot. midrib [of a leaf]Mittelrippe {f} [eines Blattes]
bot. ovate-lanceolate {adj} [leaf shape]eiförmig-lanzettlich [Blattform]
rib [of leaf, ceiling, ship, shell etc.]Rippe {f}
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gastr. book tripe [omasum] [also: leaf tripe]Blättermagen {m} [als Kuttelspezialität]
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