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|  |
 | oblique {adj} [line, angle etc.] | 845 schief |  |
 | taut {adj} [rope, line, etc.] | 373 stramm [straff, Seil etc.] |  |
 | dead {adj} [railway line] | 304 stillgelegt |  |
 | defunct {adj} [of a railway line, factory etc.] | 261 stillgelegt |  |
 | mil. frontline {adj} [attr.] [also: front-line] [e.g. soldier, duty, visit] | 129 Front- [z. B. Soldat, Einsatz, Besuch] |  |
 | number {adj} [attr.] [e.g. line, code, combination, cruncher] | 75 Zahlen- [z. B. Strahl, Code, Kombination, Akrobat] |  |
 | customary {adj} [in this line of business] | 48 branchenüblich |  |
 | math. power {adj} [attr.] [e.g. function, iteration, line, set, series, sum] | 14 Potenz- [z. B. Funktion, Gerade, Methode, Menge, Reihe, Summe] |  |
 | rectilinear {adj} [moving in or forming a straight line] | 11 gradlinig |  |
 | undulating {adj} [movement, line] | 10 wellenförmig |  |
 | circled {adj} {past-p} [surrounded by a (hand-drawn) line, for attention] | 6 eingekringelt [ugs.] [(von Hand) eingekreist, zur Hervorhebung] |  |
 | directly {adv} [in a straight line] | in gerader Richtung |  |
 | waiting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, line, room] | Warte- [z. B. Bereich, Schlange, Zimmer] |  |
Verbs |
 | to jam sth. [gun, brakes etc., also phone line] | 1190 etw. blockieren |  |
 | theatre to fluff [coll.] [entrance or line in a performance] | 351 vermasseln [ugs.] |  |
 | to cut [line, jobs, subsidies etc.] | 348 streichen [kürzen, abschaffen] |  |
 | to crackle [twigs, telephone line] | 280 knacken [Holz, knistern] |  |
 | to dot sth. [a line etc.] [also mus.] | 116 etw. punktieren [durch Punkte darstellen] [auch Mus.] |  |
 | to twitch [also in fishing: to jerk the fishing line] | 43 reißen [auch Angelsport] |  |
 | cloth. textil. to gather [to pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers] | 33 einreihen |  |
 | to cover sth. [to line] | 31 etw.Akk. auslegen [mit Papier, Plastikfolie etc.] |  |
 | to blade [skate on in-line skates] | bladen [Inlineskates laufen] |  |
 | to conform [fall into line] | sich anpassen |  |
 | to cut [in line] | sich vordrängeln |  |
 | to sky sth. [hang near the top of the wall (above line of vision)] [dated] [coll.] | etw. (deutlich) oberhalb der Augenhöhe aufhängen [Bild, Gemälde] |  |
 | spec. to twist [fishing line, wire] | verdrallen [Angelschnur, Draht] |  |
 | audio RadioTV telecom. to unmute sb./sth. [conference participants, line, etc.] | jdn./etw. laut schalten [Stummschaltung von Besprechungsteilnehmer, Leitung usw. deaktivieren] |  |
Nouns |
 | row [line] | 3107 Reihe {f} |  |
 | row [line of trees, houses etc.] | 1024 Zeile {f} [Reihe] |  |
 | ind. line [assembly line] | 219 Fließband {n} |  |
 | clothesline [Br. also clothes line] | 139 Wäscheleine {f} |  |
 | math. tangent [line] | 111 Tangente {f} |  |
 | math. line [straight line] | 71 Gerade {f} |  |
 | file [line of people or objects] | 62 Reihe {f} |  |
 | crackle [of twigs, telephone line] | 44 Knacken {n} |  |
 | line [clothesline, washing line] | 42 Wäscheleine {f} |  |
 | telecom. trunk [telephone line] | 38 Amt {n} [veraltend] [Amtsleitung] |  |
 | fin. line [credit line] | 37 Kreditlinie {f} |  |
 | tech. alignment [e.g. in a straight line] | 34 Anordnung {f} |  |
 | insur. insurance [line of business] | 34 Versicherungswesen {n} |  |
 | divide [dividing line] | 33 Grenze {f} |  |
 | rail line [railroad line] | 31 Bahnlinie {f} |  |
 | bar [line] | 27 Strich {m} |  |
 | ind. line [assembly line] | 23 Band {n} [Fließband] |  |
 | naut. lead [sounding line] | 20 Handlot {n} |  |
 | film plot [story line] | 19 Handlungsverlauf {m} |  |
 | hort. urban vista [sight line] | 18 Sichtachse {f} |  |
 | drugs rail [sl.] [of cocaine, heroin, speed] | 14 Line {f} [ugs.] [eine Line Kokain, Heroin, Speed] |  |
 | archaeo. alignment [line or lines of upright stones] | 10 Steinreihe {f} |  |
 | tech. delivery [by a feed line] | 9 Zuleitung {f} |  |