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| |
| subdued {adj} [light, music] | 1090 dezent | |
| wan {adj} [e. g. moon, light] | 1078 blass [z. B. Mond, Licht] | |
| dim {adj} [light, colour; fig.: prospects] | 1025 trübe [Licht, Farbe; fig.: Aussichten] | |
| flimsy {adj} [thin and light] | 1017 hauchdünn [Stoff, Kleid etc.] | |
| gay {adj} [dated] [light-hearted] | 445 heiter | |
| gay {adj} [dated] [light-hearted] | 444 fröhlich | |
| dim {adj} [light, source of light] | 405 trüb [Licht, Lichtquelle] | |
| blazing {adj} {pres-p} [sun, light] | 380 leuchtend | |
| lightweight {adj} [light in weight] | 349 leicht [aus leichtem Material] | |
| soft {adj} [light] | 346 matt [Licht] | |
| textil. filmy {adj} [thin and light] | 255 hauchdünn | |
| unflattering {adj} [dress, makeup, portrait, light, etc.] | 248 unvorteilhaft [Kleid, Make-up, Porträt, Licht etc.] | |
| traffic amber {adj} [Br.] [traffic light] | 178 gelb [bei der Ampel] | |
| off {adv} [light, power, etc.] | 111 aus | |
| phys. transparent {adj} [to light, radiation] | 81 durchlässig [für Licht, Strahlung] | |
| squinting {adj} {pres-p} [reacting to strong light] | 67 blinzelnd | |
| on {adv} [light, power, etc.] | 54 an [ugs.] | |
| faint {adj} [of low light intensity, dim] | 39 lichtschwach | |
| artificial {adj} [e.g. flowers, fertilizer, light] | 37 Kunst- [künstlich, z. B. Blumen, Dünger, Licht] | |
| opal {adj} [light bulb] | 23 matt [Glühbirne] | |
| divergent {adj} [e.g. light beams] | 21 auseinanderlaufend [divergent] [z. B. Lichtstrahlen] | |
| faint {adj} [faint light] | 18 leuchtschwach | |
| lightsome {adj} [literary] [bright, full of light] | 15 hellicht [veraltend] | |
| sickly {adj} {adv} [complexion, light] | 14 blass [kränklich, matt, schwach] | |
| soft {adj} [light, voice] | 11 gedämpft | |
| aerial {adj} [light, graceful] | 10 ätherisch | |
| caramel {adj} [attr.] [light brown] | 10 karamell [indekl.] | |
| anat. ectomorphic {adj} [having a light body build] | 10 schlank [ektomorph; eine hagere, hoch aufgeschossene Konstitution aufweisend] | |
| dying {adj} {pres-p} [fire, embers, light, etc.] | 5 erlöschend [Feuer, Glut, Licht etc.] | |
| pearl {adj} [light bulb] | 5 matt [Glühbirne] | |
| [in Hamburg's St. Pauli red-light district ] {adv} | auf dem Kiez [Hamburger Amüsierviertel St. Pauli] | |
| cold {adj} [e.g. air, beverage, foam, front, glue, light] | Kalt- [z. B. Luft, Getränk, Schaum, Front, Leim, Licht] | |
| cornsilk {adj} [Am.] [Can.] [very light yellow] | hellgelb [wie Maisgrannen] | |
| flickerfree {adj} [light] | flickerfrei [Licht] | |
| giddily {adv} [light-headedly] | taumelig [schwindelig] | |
| lightheaded {adj} [spv.] [light-headed] [dizzy, giddy] | schwindelig | |
| spec. photo- {prefix} [relating to light] | Photo- / Foto- [Licht-] | |
| spec. photo- {prefix} [relating to light] | photo- / foto- [licht-] | |
| prismatic {adj} [light] | spektral | |
| phys. refrangible {adj} [of light, able to be refracted] | fähig, gebrochen zu werden [Licht] | |
| starlight {adj} [also: star-light] | sternenhell | |
| unexposed {adj} [not brought to light] | unaufgeklärt | |
Verbs |
| to extinguish sth. [fire, flame, light] | 1736 etw.Akk. löschen [Flamme, Feuer, geh. auch: Licht] | |
| to squint [reaction to strong light] | 1717 blinzeln | |
| to emanate sth. [heat, light] | 954 etw.Akk. ausstrahlen | |
| to illuminate [brighten with light] [also fig.: enlighten] | 820 beleuchten [auch fig.] | |
| to emit sth. [light, radiation etc.] | 679 etw.Akk. ausstrahlen | |
| to suffuse sb./sth. [with light, happiness etc.] | 630 jdn./etw. erfüllen [mit Licht, Freude etc.] | |
| to douse sth. [light] | 583 etw.Akk. löschen [Kerze etc.] | |
| phys. to refract [light] | 410 brechen [Licht] | |