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|  |
 | sedate {adj} [life] | geruhsam |  |
 | uneventful {adj} [life] | ruhig |  |
Partial Matches |
 | accurate {adj} [true-to-life] | naturgetreu |  |
 | liveable {adj} [life] | erträglich [Leben] |  |
 | loveless {adj} [life] | liebeleer [Leben] |  |
 | sheltered {adj} {past-p} [youth, life] | behütet |  |
 | uneventful {adj} [life] | eintönig [pej.] |  |
 | unsettled {adj} [life, character] | unstet |  |
 | drabness [of life] | Eintönigkeit {f} |  |
 | drabness [of life] | Freudlosigkeit {f} |  |
 | life [service life] | Betriebsdauer {f} |  |
 | philosophy [approach to life] | Lebensanschauung {f} |  |
 | relig. preexistence [previous life] | Präexistenz {f} |  |
 | spirits [life, vivacity] | Lebensgeister {pl} |  |
 | story [life story] | Lebensgeschichte {f} |  |
 | mil. military {adj} [people, life, etc.] | soldatisch |  |
 | travelling {adj} {pres-p} [form of life] | fahrend |  |
 | vigorous {adj} [full of life] | lebenskräftig |  |
 | vital {adj} [full of life] | lebenskräftig |  |
 | ages [stages of life] | Alter {pl} |  |
 | conduct [conduct of life] | Lebensführung {f} |  |
 | drabness [of life] | Grau {n} [fig.] |  |
 | life [journey through life] | Lebensweg {m} |  |
 | philos. sociol. lifeworld [also: life-world] | Lebenswelt {f} |  |
 | biol. ecol. sociol. longevity [duration of life] | Lebensdauer {f} |  |
 | retirement [after working life] | Ruhestand {m} |  |
 | mineral. tavorite [LiFe(PO4)(OH)] | Tavorit {m} |  |
 | buoyancy aid [life jacket] | Rettungsweste {f} |  |
 | buoyancy aid [life jacket] | Schwimmweste {f} |  |
 | cloth. FireResc flotation suit [life jacket] | Rettungsweste {f} |  |
 | life saver [life jacket] | Rettungsweste {f} |  |
 | philos. relig. pre-existence [previous life] | Präexistenz {f} |  |
 | checkered {adj} [Am.] [life, history, career] | bewegt |  |
 | chequered {adj} [Br.] [life, history, career] | bewegt |  |
 | preexistent {adj} [of an earlier life] | präexistent |  |
 | quick {adj} [archaic] [endowed with life] | lebendig |  |
 | travelling {adj} [form of life] | vazierend [altertümlich] |  |
 | insur. assurance [esp. Br.] [life insurance] | Lebensversicherung {f} |  |
 | behavior [conduct of life] [Am.] | Lebensführung {f} |  |
 | companion [partner in life] | Freund {m} [Lebensgefährte] |  |
 | conversation [archaic] [mode of life] | Lebensweise {f} |  |
 | drabness [of life] | Einerlei {n} [des Lebens] |  |
 | richness [of life] | Erfülltheit {f} [des Lebens] |  |
 | to wither away [talent, emotional life] | verkümmern |  |
 | ecol. orn. bird-life [rare] [bird life] | Vogelwelt {f} |  |
 | life decision [also: life-decision] | Lebensentscheidung {f} |  |
 | philos. life ground [also: life-ground] | Lebensgrund {m} |  |
 | law life term [life sentence] | lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe {f} |  |
 | myth. relig. life-breath [breath of life] | Lebensatem {m} |  |
 | pre-existence [previous life] | früheres Dasein {n} |  |