Dictionary English German: [lie]

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
transparent {adj} [also fig.; e.g., intent, lie]
durchsichtig [auch fig.; z. B. Absicht, Lüge]
sb. lies [tells a lie]
jd. lügt
barefaced {adj} [shameless (e.g. lie)]
frech [unverfroren, schamlos (z. B. Lüge)]
bald {adj} [undisguised, open (lie etc.)]
unverhüllt [unverhohlen]
to lay [nonstandard] [to lie]
to rest [lie, be placed in a specified position]
liegen [(auf etw.) ruhen]
hist. pol. [to not tell the whole truth without directly telling a lie]wulffen [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltet] [nicht die ganze Wahrheit sagen, ohne ausdrücklich zu lügen]
to lurk [lie in wait]auf der Lauer liegen [Redewendung]
to spoon [of two persons; to lie close to each other, like spoons in a drawer; also: to have sex in that position]Löffelchen machen
to welter [lie steeped in blood]blutüberströmt daliegen
story [coll.] [lie]
Märchen {n} [ugs.] [Lügengeschichte]
flam [coll.] [deception, lie]
Betrug {m}
flam [coll.] [deception, lie]
Lüge {f}
flam [coll.] [deception, lie]
Schwindel {m}
lie [usually: the lie]
Lage {f} [Position, Stellung]
porky [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang - porky pie = lie]
[Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Lüge]
mistruth [lie]
Unwahrheit {f}
["Auschwitz lie," allegation made by Holocaust deniers doubting accepted numbers relating to Auschwitz]Auschwitzlüge {f} [Behauptung, dass die akzeptierten Fakten über Auschwitz Lügen sind]
2 Words: Others
next to sb./sth. {adv} [e.g.: lie, stand, sit](direkt) neben jdm./etw. [z. B.: liegen, stehen, sitzen]
2 Words: Verbs
to bed down [to lie down somewhere in order to go to sleep]sichAkk. niederlegen [bes. bayer.] [österr.] [schlafen legen]
to lay back [coll.] [lie back]sichAkk. zurücklegen
to lay down [nonstandard] [to lie down]sichAkk. hinlegen
to make sth. up [invent (story, lie, etc.)]etw.Akk. erfinden [Geschichte, Lüge etc.]
to sleep in [lie in]sichAkk. ausschlafen
2 Words: Nouns
barefaced lie [shameless and undisguised lie]dreiste Lüge {f}
emergency lie [white lie]Notlüge {f}
grand delusion [self-delusion, lie]Lebenslüge {f}
math. Lie's theorem [also: theorem of Lie]Satz {m} von Lie
porky pie [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang = lie][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Lüge]
med. sideways position [transverse lie of fetus]Querlage {f} [Kindslage]
white lie [a lie told in order to be polite]Höflichkeitslüge {f}
3 Words: Others
I've got you. [coll.] [to discover one's secret, lie, crime, etc.]Ich habe dich überführt.
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to pull a Pinocchio [coll.] [rare] [to lie]lügen
3 Words: Nouns
math. Lie's (sphere) geometry [also: Lie sphere geometry]liesche Kugelgeometrie {f}
4 Words: Others
easy to see through {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. a lie]leicht durchschaubar [z. B. eine Lüge]
I'm not gonna lie [coll. for: I'm not going to lie.]Um ehrlich zu sein
to the left of sth. [lie, rest, be located, etc.]links neben etw.Dat. [liegen, ruhen, sich befinden etc.]
4 Words: Verbs
to lie on the front [lie prone]auf dem Bauch liegen
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