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 | plain {adj} [archaic or regional] [flat, level] | 462 flach [eben] |  |
 | flush {adj} {adv} [level, even] | 156 eben [gleich hoch, plan] |  |
 | exalted {adj} [of persons, at a high or powerful level] | 89 hochrangig |  |
 | educ. rite {adj} [Am.] [level of academic distinction] | 30 rite [lat.: genügend, befriedigend] |  |
 | lake {adj} [attr.] [e.g. basin, bottom, level, resort] | 23 See- [Binnensee-] [z. B. Becken, Boden, Spiegel, Bad] |  |
 | managerial {adj} [e.g. skills, functions, level, style, staff] | 23 Führungs- [z. B. Qualitäten, Aufgaben, Ebene, Stil, Personal] |  |
 | psych. intelligence {adj} [attr.] [e.g. level, quotient, researcher, test] | 14 Intelligenz- [z. B. Niveau, Quotient, Forscher, Test] |  |
 | cruising {adj} [attr.] [e.g. speed, altitude or level, flight] | 7 Reise- [z. B. Geschwindigkeit, Flughöhe, Flug] |  |
 | together {adj} [coll.] [level-headed, composed] | 7 ausgeglichen [besonnen, gefasst] |  |
Verbs |
 | comp. games to unlock [level] | 324 freispielen |  |
 | constr. to bulldoze sth. [level off] | 29 etw.Akk. einebnen |  |
 | [to be on the level of a public / saloon bar debate] | Stammtischniveau haben [pej.] |  |
 | hydro. to crest [Am.] [flood or river: rise to its highest level] | den Höchststand erreichen [Flut, Fluss] |  |
 | hydro. to crest [Am.] [flood: rise to its highest level] | den Scheitelpunkt erreichen [Flut] |  |
 | to deprioritize sth. [to reduce the priority level] | etw.Akk. depriorisieren [eine niedrigere Priorität / Rangfolge zuweisen] |  |
 | to equal sb./sth. [fig.] [reach the same level of achievement] | an jdn./etw. herankommen [fig.] [Niveau, Leistung etc. erreichen] |  |
 | chem. to peroxidise [Br.] [raise to the highest oxidation level] | peroxidieren [auf die höchste Oxidationsstufe bringen] |  |
 | chem. to peroxidize [raise to the highest oxidation level] | peroxidieren [auf die höchste Oxidationsstufe bringen] |  |
 | to raise sth. [e.g. the water level] | etw.Akk. ansteigen lassen [z. B. den Wasserstand] |  |
Nouns |
 | echelon [level of command, responsibility etc.] | 1019 Rang {m} [in Hierarchie] |  |
 | pol. secretary [top-level government employee] | 221 Minister {m} |  |
 | archi. landing [level area on a staircase, esp. btw. floors] | 79 Treppenflur {m} |  |
 | ... 101 [spoken as "one-oh-one", introductory level, e.g. finance 101] | 49 Einmaleins {n} [+Gen.] ... [fig.] [Grundkenntniskurs, z. B. Einmaleins der deutschen Sprache] |  |
 | stage [level] | 35 Grad {m} |  |
 | educ. [advanced level of a high school] | 31 Oberstufe {f} [einer Schule] |  |
 | rank [level] | 28 Stufe {f} [Level, Rang, Grad] |  |
 | grade [degree of quality, rank, level] | 27 Grad {m} [Stufe, Rang] |  |
 | automot. dipping [oil level] | 23 Peilen {n} [Ölstand] |  |
 | automot. dipping [e. g. oil level] | 20 Peilung {f} [z. B. Ölstand] |  |
 | educ. [main 'A' level subject] [Br.] | 11 Leistungsfach {n} |  |
 | admin. jobs [civil servant with GCE Advanced Level] | 10 B-Beamter {m} [österr.] |  |
 | educ. [centralised school leaving examination, A level] | 7 Zentralabitur {n} |  |
 | pol. [list of party candidates for election at the level of a federal state] | 6 Landesliste {f} |  |
 | comp. telecom. goodput [application level throughput] | 6 Datendurchsatz {m} [eines Netzes] |  |
 | reading [level] | 6 Stand {m} [Zählerstand etc.] |  |
 | educ. [centralised school leaving examination, A level] | 5 Zentralmatura {f} [österr.] |  |
 | tools [bubble level] | Schrotwage {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Schrotwaage] |  |
 | [comprehensive regional planning at federal or federal state level] | Raumordnung {f} und Landesplanung |  |
 | law pol. [decentralising of administrative tasks in Austria from the federal level to state levels] | Verländerung {f} [österr.] |  |
 | [land which is only to be developed to a low level] | geringfügig bebautes Grundstück {n} |  |
 | econ. educ. [secondary school with a focus on economics <ISCED level 3>] | Wirtschaftskundliches Realgymnasium {n} [österr.] |  |
 | hort. [space left from the rim of a planted pot to the soil level, in order to avoid spilling of water when watering] | Gießrand {m} [bei einer Topfpflanze] |  |
 | oenol. Ausbruch [Austrian wine term for a quality level in the Prädikatswein category] | Ausbruch {m} [Süßwein, bes. Österreich] |  |
 | astron. culmination [highest level] | Höchststand {m} |  |
 | elevation [location of property relative to sea level] | Höhenlage {f} |  |
 | grade [level] | Abstufung {f} [Stufe] |  |
 | educ. Hauptschule [secondary school in Germany, with lower secondary education (level 2) acc. to the ISCED] | Hauptschule {f} [Schulform mit dem Level 2 nach ISCED-Klassifikation der UNESCO] |  |
 | educ. MicroMasters® [a series of graduate level courses] | MicroMasters® {m} [Befähigungsnachweis im Rahmen eines Diplom-Zertifikatsprogramms] |  |
 | order [level] | Grad {m} |  |
 | jobs prospecting [in multi-level marketing] | Mitarbeitersuche {f} [MLM] |  |