| English  | German |  |
 | till {prep} {conj} [less formal for: until] | 4038 bis |  |
 | subservient {adj} [subordinate, less important] | 437 untergeordnet |  |
 | alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"] | 132 akzeptabel |  |
 | acad. med. preventative {adj} [attr.] [less frequent than: preventive] | 76 Vorsorge- |  |
 | conservative {adj} [less common] [preservative] | 68 bewahrend |  |
 | roundly {adv} [less frequent than: approximately, about] | 54 rund <rd.> [ungefähr, etwa] |  |
 | conservative {adj} [less common] [preservative] | 10 erhaltend |  |
 | inaner {adj} [less common for "more inane"] | 5 dümmer |  |
 | promiseful {adj} [less common than promising] | 5 vielversprechend |  |
 | adepter {adj} [less common comparative for "more adept"] | erfahrener |  |
 | alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"] | in Ordnung |  |
 | amidship {adv} [less common for amidships] | mitten im Schiff |  |
 | chem. spec. anemometrical {adj} [less common] | anemometrisch |  |
 | apprehendable {adj} [less common for: apprehensible] | wahrnehmbar |  |
 | biol. biologic {adj} [less common for "biological"] | biologisch |  |
 | relig. halachic {adj} [less often for: halakhic] | halachisch |  |
 | relig. halakic {adj} [less often for: halakhic] | halachisch |  |
 | harder {adj} [less easy] | weniger leicht |  |
 | longwise {adv} [less frequent than: lengthways] | der Länge nach |  |
 | biol. med. lucifugal {adj} [less common] [lucifugous] | lichtscheu |  |
 | Monacan {adj} [less frequent] | monegassisch |  |
 | bot. scariose {adj} [less common for: scarious] | trockenhäutig |  |
 | sth. reawakened sth. [e.g. the interest, the fear] [German less frequent than: sth. has/had reawakend sth.] | etw. erweckte etw.Akk. wieder [z. B. das Interesse, die Angst] [seltener als: etw. hat/hatte etw. wiedererweckt] |  |
 | subgenerical {adj} [less frequent] | subgenerisch |  |
 | till {prep} [less formal for: until] | bis in |  |
 | till {prep} [less formal for: until] | bis zu |  |
 | uneasier {adj} [less calm] | unruhiger |  |
 | woundless {adj} [less frequent than: unwounded] | unverletzt |  |
Verbs |
 | to relent [to become less severe, harsh, or strict] | 845 einlenken [sich nachgiebiger zeigen] |  |
 | to ease sth. [make less tense] | 132 etw. auflockern [zwangloser machen] |  |
 | to tank sth. [coll.] [do less well than one could have done] | 67 etw.Akk. vergeigen [ugs.] [verbocken, verpatzen] |  |
 | to unbend [become less reserved] | 32 auftauen [fig.] |  |
 | to lighten [to make less heavy etc.] | 22 ablassen [herabsetzen] [Druck usw.] |  |
 | to alienate sb. [make less friendly towards oneself] | sichAkk. jdm. entfremden |  |
 | to hyphen sth. [less common] [hyphenate] | etw. mit Bindestrich schreiben |  |
 | to shortchange sb. [give less than the correct amount of change] | jdm. zu wenig Wechselgeld herausgeben |  |
 | to undergrow [archaic] [chiefly in the participial adjective] [to grow less than usual size] | unterwachsen [veraltet] [meist im Partizip Perfekt] [auf weniger als die gewöhnliche Größe wachsen] |  |
 | to woggle (sth.) [less frequent than: wiggle, waggle] | (mit etw.Dat.) wackeln |  |
 | to woggle sth. [less frequent than: waggle] [e.g. move one's head repeatedly up and down] | etw.Akk. mehrmals auf und ab bewegen [Kopf, Finger] |  |
Nouns |
 | urban suburb [less urbanized than a Vorstadt] | 2132 Vorort {m} |  |
 | politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.] | 1533 Politik {f} |  |
 | urban outskirts {pl} [less common {sg}] | 1326 Stadtrand {m} |  |
 | shambles {pl} [treated as sg. or (less common) as pl.] [coll.] [place of carnage or destruction, scene or thing in total disorder] | 909 Schlachtfeld {n} [fig.] |  |
 | gastr. catsup [Am.] [less common for: ketchup] | 116 Ketchup {m} {n} |  |
 | tribulations [less serious] | 91 Kümmernisse {pl} [geh.] |  |
 | geogr. Chechnya [less formal] | 28 Tschetschenien {n} |  |
 | futurity [less common term for "future"] | 26 Zukunft {f} |  |
 | biol. predator [here: mostly eating from plants, less often killing animals] | 12 Fraßfeind {m} [meist an Pflanzen fressend, seltener Tiere tötend] |  |
 | headstall [less often] | 9 Halfter {n} {m} [schweiz. auch {f}] [für Tiere] |  |
 | psych. autist [less common for: autistic person] | 6 Autist {m} |  |