Dictionary English German: [left]

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lefty {adj} [coll.] [left-handed]
equest. Haw! [Am.] [command to a horse etc. to turn to the left]
Hüst! [auch: Jüst!, Hist! oder Wist!] [Fuhrkommando: Linksherum!]
[Thinking should be left to (the) horses because they have bigger heads.]Das Denken sollte man besser den Pferden überlassen, die haben die größeren Köpfe [Redewendung]
ciotóg {adj} [Irish] [left-handed]linkshändig
dextrosinistral {adj} [naturally left-handed but trained to use the right hand in writing]linkshändig, jedoch mit der rechten Hand schreibend
discretionary {adj} [left to one's own judgment]dem eigenen Ermessen anheimgestellt [geh.]
to haw [Am.] [to turn to the left] [horse]nach links gehen [Pferd]
automot. to pull [to the left, right] [of a vehicle]einen Drall haben [nach links, rechts] [von einem Fahrzeug]
to spoon [to sleep with someone in close contact, both facing right or left]in der Löffelchen-Position schlafen
left [left hand]
Linke {f} [linke Hand]
lefty [coll.] [left-handed person]
Linkshänder {m}
hangover [fig.] [sth. unpleasant left over from the past]
Altlast {f} [fig.] [Belastendes aus der Vergangenheit]
pol. leftism [left-wing radicalism]
Linksradikalismus {m}
gastr. [bit of food left on a serving plate out of good manners]Anstandshappen {m}
med. [involuntary deviation of the eyes to the left]Lävophorie {f} [unwillkürliche Abweichung der Blicklinie nach links]
pol. [leading left-winger]Spitzengenosse {m} [ugs.]
hort. [space left from the rim of a planted pot to the soil level, in order to avoid spilling of water when watering]Gießrand {m} [bei einer Topfpflanze]
pol. [term for anarchist, left-wing activist etc.]Radikalinski {m} [ugs.]
[The one piece of food left that everybody wants but doesn't dare to eat]Anstandsstück {n} [hum.]
mus. diluendo [gradual dying away until no sound is left]Diluendo {n}
gastr. Flönz [dialect expression for blackpudding on the left side of the river Rhine]Flönz {f} [linksrheinisch] [dial.] [Blutwurst]
med. laevoposition [Br.] [displacement to the left]Laevopositio {f} [Linksverlagerung eines Organs]
lefty [Am.] [coll.] [left-hander]Linkser {m} [ugs.]
lefty [female] [Am.] [coll.] [left-hander]Linkserin {f} [ugs.] [Linkshänderin]
med. levoposition [Am.] [displacement to the left]Laevopositio {f} [Linksverlagerung eines Organs]
med. mancinism [left-handedness]Mancinismus {m} [Linkshändigkeit]
acad. libr. philos. Nachlass [written material left by a scholar after his or her death](schriftlicher) Nachlass {m}
med. sinistrotorsion [rare] [turning to the left]Linksverdrehung {f} [selten]
track [mark left by a person or an animal]Tapser {m} [ugs.] [meist Pl.]
sports wing [left wing, right wing] [football / soccer, hockey]Außenbahn {f} [linke Außenbahn (linker Flügel), rechte Außenbahn (rechter Flügel)]
2 Words: Others
Go away! [Don't bother me, I want to be left alone!]Mach 'ne Mücke! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Go away! [Don't bother me, I want to be left alone!]Mach 'ne Fliege! [ugs.] [fig.]
stat. negatively skewed {adj} [left-skewed]rechtssteil [linksschief]
2 Words: Verbs
to hang left [Am.] [coll.] [to keep to the left]sich links halten
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Danube Moor [rare] [usually left untranslated]Donaumoos {n}
archi. relig. Dominican church [esp. common as a gloss on "Predigerkirche" left untranslated in English texts]Predigerkirche {f}
art relig. ex voto [painting or object left in fulfillment of a vow]ex voto
anat. VetMed. hepatic ducts [right and left hepatic duct]Lebergänge {pl} [rechter und linker Lebergang]
for. hist. Imperial forest [common as a gloss on "Reichswald" left untranslated]Reichswald {m}
art Lady World [often left untranslated or treated as a gloss]Frau Welt {f}
pol. Left Front <LF> [esp. Ind.] [an alliance of left-wing political organizations]Linksfront {f} [ein Bündnis von linksgerichteten politischen Organisationen]
pol. Left Party [post-communist political party in Germany, The Left]Linkspartei {f} [ugs.] [Die Linke]
sports left-fitter [left-footed shot]Linksschuss {m}
sports left-fitter [left-footer] [sportsperson, footballer]Linksfuß {m} [Sportler, Fußballer]
sports left-footer [left-footed shot]Linksschuss {m}
left-hander [a blow struck with a person's left hand]Schlag {m} mit der Linken
Madonna (piercing) [above the upper lip, left or right]Madonna-Piercing {n}
Monroe (piercing) [above the upper lip, left or right]Monroe-Piercing {n} [auch Madonna- od. Chrome-Crawford-Piercing]
math. stat. RCLL function [right continuous with left limits] [càdlàg function]Càdlàg-Funktion {f} [auch: Cadlag-Funktion]
S-twist [left-handed, of rope]S-Schlag {m} [linksdrehend, von einem Seil]
hist. law ling. Saxon Mirror [but more commonly left untranslated: Sachsenspiegel]Sachsenspiegel {m}
State Foundation [of a German state] [often left untranslated]Landesstiftung {f} [Institution]
gastr. summit restaurant [capitalized as proper name] [often left untranslated]Gipfelrestaurant {n}
anat. VetMed. Tawara branches [left and right bundle branch]Tawara-Schenkel {pl}
automot. tourist solution [headlamp adjustment for switching between left-hand and right-hand traffic]Touristenlösung {f} [Scheinwerferumschaltung zwischen Linksverkehr und Rechtsverkehr]
med. vaccination mark [small scar left on the skin by vaccination]Impfnarbe {f} [dauerhaft]
3 Words: Others
Those are useless. [all left shoes]Das sind lauter linke Stiefel. [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
traffic to hang a left [Am.] [coll.] [to turn left]nach links abbiegen
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. abandoned hazardous site [hazardous site left by the owner or other responsible party in unmanaged condition] [ISO 11074:2015]Altlast {f} [ISO 11074:2015]
transp. left-hand traffic [driving on the left]Linksverkehr {m}
print ragged right alignment [flush left aligned]linksbündiger Flattersatz {m}
med. seat belt signs [marks left by the seat belt after an accident]Gurtmarken {pl} [bes. Abschürfungen nach Verkehrsunfällen]
4 Words: Others
Is there any more? [left over]Ist noch etwas da?
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to leave well enough alone [referring to the object of a proposed action to be left unchanged]etw. [Objekt einer erwogenen Handlung] (besser) so lassen, wie es ist
4 Words: Nouns
med. double outlet left ventricle <DOLV>linker Doppelausstromventrikel {m} [auch: Double outlet left ventricle]
left-hand drive vehicle [steering wheel on the left]Linkslenker {m} [Lenkrad auf der linken Seite]
side of the body [left / right]Körperhälfte {f} [linke / rechte]
5+ Words: Others
as seen from the front of sth. {adv} [e.g. right, left, clockwise]von der Vorderseite etw.Gen. (aus) gesehen [z. B. rechts, links, im Uhrzeigersinn]
quote Door on your left. Your other left. [The Matrix]Nächste Tür links! ... Nein, das andere Links!
5+ Words: Verbs
to make up for it on sth. [e.g. to make up for there not being any sausages left by having more cake]sich an etw.Dat. schadlos halten [meist hum.] [sehr viel von etw. (als Ersatz) nehmen, kräftig zulangen]
to not have a shot in one's locker [Br.] [idiom] [have no money or chances left]Matthäi am Letzten sein [bei jdm.] [Redewendung]
traffic to take the second right / left [rarely also: to take the second road right / left]die zweite Straße rechts / links nehmen [auch: die zweite rechts / links nehmen]
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