Dictionary English German: [leading]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
voice {adj} [attr.] [e.g. analysis, exercise, leading, training]
Stimm- [z. B. Analyse, Übung, Führung, Bildung]
prominent {adj} [leading]
down {adj} [leading downward]nach unten führend
eastbound {adj} [leading towards the east]ostwärts führend
film theatre to star [play a leading role]eine Hauptrolle spielen
film theatre lead [leading part]
Hauptrolle {f}
film theatre lead [leading man]
Hauptdarsteller {m}
relig. repentance [leading to conversion/return]
Umkehr {f}
film theatre lead [leading lady]
Hauptdarstellerin {f}
guidance [leading, management]
Führungsschiene {f} [ugs.] [Management, Leitungsebene]
archi. steps [leading up / down to a building entrance]
Vortreppe {f}
hist. [improvised water boiler; leading electric current directly through water by means of two electrodes and thus heating it; cf. stinger]
Ufo {n} [NVA-Jargon: improvisierter Wasserkocher]
pol. RadioTV [a televised debate between leading politicians]Elefantenrunde {f} [ugs.]
pol. RadioTV [election night TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties]Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [dt., schweiz.]
[leading German consumer safety group]Stiftung {f} Warentest
pol. [leading left-winger]Spitzengenosse {m} [ugs.]
pol. RadioTV [pre-election TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties]Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [österr.]
weapons deflection [leading the moving target when shooting]Vorhalt {m} [einer Waffe auf ein bewegtes Ziel]
theatre premiere [leading female actress]Hauptdarstellerin {f}
route [leading to a particular destination]Anmarschweg {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to carve out sth. [fig.] [a leading position, etc.](sichDat.) etw.Akk. erkämpfen [eine Führungsposition etc.]
to kill time [when leading in a sporting event]Zeit schinden
2 Words: Nouns
TrVocab. Baroque route [leading to a number of baroque monuments]Barockstraße {f}
blind alley [fig.] [a course of action leading nowhere]Irrgang {m}
theatre principal boy [leading part in a panto][männliche Hauptrolle im britischen Weihnachtsmärchen]
running around [can also be pej., then meaning uncoordinated activity leading nowhere]Rennerei {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
3 Words: Verbs
to be on top [leading position]obenaus schwingen [schweiz.] [an der Spitze liegen]
to be on top [leading position]an der Spitze liegen
4 Words: Others
The axe will swing. [esp. Br.] [leading people will be dismissed]Köpfe werden rollen.
4 Words: Nouns
pol. heads {pl} of the Kremlin [leading Kremlin politicians]Kreml-Spitze {f} [auch: Kremlspitze] [führende Kreml-Politiker]
hunting leader of the pack [dog leading the pack]Leithund {m} [Hund, der die Meute anführt]
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