Dictionary English German: [leader]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
designated {adj} {past-p} [for an office or a function, as a leader, etc.]
ausersehen [geh.] [für ein Amt, als Leiter etc.]
course {adj} [attr.] [e.g. correction, fee, leader, participant]
Kurs- [z. B. Korrektur, Gebühr, Leiter, Teilnehmer]
relig. to defrock sb. [a religious leader]jdn. seines / des Amtes entheben
chief [leader, head]
Oberhaupt {n}
mus. theatre coryphaeus [leader of the chorus in the ancient Greek drama]
Koryphäe {m} [Chorführer im altgriechischen Drama]
headman [chief, leader]
Führer {m} [Anführer]
audio leader [tape leader]
Vorspannband {n}
duce [Italian for: leader]
Duce {m}
pol. [CDU/CSU Union faction leader]Unionsfraktionschef {m}
agr. hist. jobs [Nazi title for leader of German farmers. Literally: Reich Farmers Leader]Reichsbauernführer {m}
comm. handler [leader]Leiter {m} [Lenker]
relig. spec. litanist [leader of a litany]Vorbeter {m}
hist. mil. Timur [Mongolian military leader, founder of the Timurid Empire]Timur {m} [mongolischer Militärführer, Begründer des Timuriden-Reichs]
vozhd [Russian: leader, esp. Stalin]Woschd {m} [russ. вождь: Führer, speziell Stalin]
2 Words
hist. jobs block leader [local group leader in Nazi-Germany]Blockwart {m} [ugs.] [Blockleiter]
pol. faction leader [parliamentary group leader]Fraktionschef {m}
hist. HJ leader [Hitler Youth leader]HJ-Führer {m} [Hitlerjugendführer]
Islamic leader [religious leader]Islamischer Führer {m} [religiöser Führer]
queen bee [coll.] [fig.] [also pej.] [leader of a female group]tonangebende Frau {f} [in einer Frauengruppe]
hist. Reichsführer-SS [SS national leader, Himmler's title]Reichsführer SS {m} [auch: Reichsführer-SS] <RFSS, RfSS>
standard bearer [also: standard-bearer] [leader, trailblazer]Vorkämpfer {m}
standard bearer [female] [also: standard-bearer] [leader, trailblazer]Vorkämpferin {f}
top dog [coll.] [leader of a group]Obermotz {m} [ugs.] [berlinerisch]
comm. world leader [global market leader]Weltführer {m} [selten für: Weltmarktführer]
comm. world leader [global market leader]weltweiter Marktführer {m}
5+ Words
hist. Reich Leader (of the) SS [SS national leader, Himmler's title]Reichsführer SS {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
comics F [the Junior Woodchucks' leader] [Disney]Herr Generalfeldmeister
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