| English  | German |  |
 | neat {adj} [person or appearance, also: lawn, etc.] | 6126 gepflegt [Person od. Erscheinung, auch: Rasen etc.] |  |
 | manicured {adj} {past-p} [lawn, garden] | 80 gepflegt |  |
 | hort. thatchy {adj} [lawn] | verfilzt |  |
Verbs |
 | hort. to thatch sth. [the lawn] [dehatch] | 49 etw.Akk. vertikutieren |  |
 | agr. hort. to aerate sth. [soil, lawn] | etw.Akk. aerifizieren [Boden, Rasen] |  |
 | to sand sth. [icy footpath, lawn, sports terrain] | etw.Akk. sanden [schweiz. und fachspr. (Golf)] [sonst regional oder veraltet] [mit Sand bestreuen] |  |
Nouns |
 | hort. tools mower [lawn mower] | 150 Rasenmäher {m} |  |
 | hort. tools sprinkler [lawn sprinkler] | 5 Sprenger {m} [Kurzform für: Rasensprenger] |  |
 | sports bowls [Br.] [treated as sg.] [lawn bowls, lawn bowling] | Bowlsspiel {n} [seltener für: Rasenbowling] |  |
 | sports bowls [Br.] [treated as sg.] [lawn bowls, lawn bowling] | Rasenbowling {n} |  |
 | sports bowls [Br.] [treated as sg.] [lawn bowls, lawn bowling] | Rasenkugelspiel {n} [seltener für: Rasenbowling] |  |
 | sports end [e.g. lawn bowling] | Runde {f} [z. B. Rasenbowling] |  |
 | agr. hort. reseeding [lawn] | Nachsäen {n} [Rasen] |  |
2 Words |
 | cut out {adj} {past-p} [cookies, lawn, etc.] | ausgestochen [Plätzchen, Rasen usw.] |  |
 | ill-kempt {adj} [person, room, lawn, etc.] | ungepflegt [Person, Raum, Rasen etc.] |  |
 | sports block shot [e.g. lawn bowling] | Blocker {m} [Bowlwurf, Rasenbowling] |  |
 | sports draw shot [e.g. lawn bowling] | Annäherung {f} [Bowlwurf, Rasenbowling] |  |
 | grass bag [on a lawn mower] | Grasfangsack {m} [auf einem Rasenmäher] |  |
 | hort. tools grass box [of a lawn mower] [esp. Br.] | Grasfangkorb {m} |  |
 | hort. grass box [of a lawn mower] [esp. Br.] | Graskorb {m} [eines Rasenmähers] [selten neben: Grasfangkorb] |  |
 | hort. tools grass cutter [lawn mower] | Rasenmäher {m} |  |
 | hort. tools grass trimmer [lawn trimmer] | Rasentrimmer {m} |  |
 | hort. tools mowing machine [lawn mower] | Rasenmäher {m} |  |
 | games hist. paille-maille [also palle-maille, palle-malle or pall mall] [ancient lawn game] | Paille-Maille {n} [auch Pall Mall, Baille-Maille, Palle-malle, Jeu de Mail] [altes Ballspiel] |  |
 | sports position shot [e.g. lawn bowling] | Positionswurf {m} |  |
 | sports wick shot [e.g. lawn bowling] | Abpraller {m} [Bowlwurf, Rasenbowling] |  |
 | sports wrestling shot [e.g. lawn bowling] | Verdränger {m} [Bowlwurf, Rasenbowling] |  |
3 Words |
 | to sweep the leaves [e.g. from the lawn] | das Laub kehren [z. B. vom Rasen] |  |