| English  | German |  |
 | after {prep} [later in time than; next to and following in order or importance] | 1803 nach [+Dat.] <n.> [zeitlich; zur Angabe einer Reihenfolge oder Rangfolge] |  |
 | after {adj} [attr.] [archaic] [later; e.g. in after years] | 57 später [z. B. in späteren Jahren] |  |
Verbs |
 | to arrive [at an indefinite time, often later than expected] | 112 eintrudeln [ugs.] |  |
 | to table sth. [Am.] [e.g. discussion, debate until a later time] | 61 etw.Akk. zurückstellen [auf später verschieben] |  |
 | to postdate sth. [on later date] | 11 etw.Akk. vordatieren [auf späteres Datum] |  |
Nouns |
 | hist. mil. [uniform jacket of the Prussian Army, later of the Imperial German Forces] | 5 Litewka {f} [Uniformjacke] |  |
 | geogr. hist. [Czechoslovakia and later the so-called Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia] | Tschechei {f} [ugs.] [bes. pej.] [1933 - 1945] |  |
 | hist. [heavy labour bonus: supplementary food ration for manual workers during WWII Germany, in work and concentration camps as well as later in the early GDR] | Schwerarbeiterzulage {f} [Zusätzliche Essensration] |  |
 | pol. spec. [opponent of rearmament in the FRG (1958); later an apathetic Everyman] | Ohnemichel {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltend] |  |
 | agr. hort. aftercrop [a later crop of the same year from the same soil] | Nachfrucht {f} |  |
 | hist. Atlantropa [later for: Panropa; project by Herman Sörgel] | Atlantropa {n} [später für: Panropa; Projekt von Herman Sörgel] |  |
 | bell [Br.] [coll.] [e.g. give us a bell later] | Telefonanruf {m} |  |
 | mus. chelys [greek lyra, later also used for members of the viol family] | Chelys {f} [griech. Schildkrötenleier, später auch Bezeichnung für Gamben] |  |
 | philos. spec. pragmaticism [C.S. Peirce's later term for his pragmatism, to differentiate it from others] | Pragmatizismus {m} |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to show up [at an indefinite time, often later than expected] | eintrudeln [ugs.] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | ling. name First Grammarian [later name of the anonymous Old Icelandic author of the First Grammatical Treatise] | Erster Grammatiker {m} [späterer Name des anonymen altisländischen Autors des Ersten Grammatischen Traktats] |  |
 | fin. retirement postponement [choosing to receive one's pension later in life] | Rentenaufschub {m} [schweiz.] [Verschiebung des eigenen Rentenbeginns nach hinten] |  |
 | stocks scrip dividend [note promising to pay dividend later at future date] | Wahldividende {f} [Zusage, die Dividende zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zu zahlen] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | after many years {adv} [many years later] | viele Jahre später |  |
 | after some minutes {adv} [some minutes later] | nach einigen Minuten [einige Minuten danach] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. Brandenburger Gold Coast [later: Prussian Gold Coast] | Groß-Friedrichsburg {n} [1683 - 1717] |  |
 | hist. youth dedication (ceremony) [in the GDR, but also earlier and later] | Jugendweihe {f} [in der DDR, aber auch früher und später] |  |
 | youth initiation (ceremony) [in the GDR, but also earlier and later] | Jugendweihe {f} [in der DDR, aber auch früher und später] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | quote RadioTV Space: the final frontier. [Star Trek (later: Star Trek: The Original Series); first words of introduction to each episode] | Der Weltraum, unendliche Weiten. [Raumschiff Enterprise; erste Worte des Vorspanns vor jeder Folge] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | hist. Allied Military Government for Occupied Territories <AMGOT, AMG> [originally abbr. AMGOT, later AMG] | Alliierte Militärregierung {f} [der Siegermächte] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | RadioTV F 1-800-Missing / [later:] Missing | Missing - Verzweifelt gesucht |  |
 | RadioTV F CHiPs / [later:] CHiPs Patrol | CHiPs |  |
 | RadioTV F Emergency! / [later:] Emergency One | Notruf California |  |
 | RadioTV F Little House on the Prairie / [later:] Little House: A New Beginning | Unsere kleine Farm |  |
 | lit. F The Lonely Girl [Edna O'Brien] [later published as: Girl with Green Eyes] | Das Mädchen mit den grünen Augen |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
 | orn. T | |  |