| English  | German |  |
 | intemperate {adj} [e.g. language] | 1258 unbeherrscht [z. B. Gerede] |  |
 | blunt {adj} [language, warning etc.] | 987 offen [unverblümt] |  |
 | fancy {adj} [language] | 689 hochtrabend |  |
 | ribald {adj} [behaviour, sense of humour, language] | 489 derb |  |
 | via {prep} [by means of] [e.g. via satellite, via e-mail, via sign language] | 428 per [+Dat. od. +Akk.] [mittels, durch] [z. B. per Satellit, per E-Mail, per Zeichensprache] |  |
 | purple {adj} [prose, language] | 347 hochtrabend |  |
 | ling. purple {adj} [prose, language] | 326 hochgestochen |  |
 | purple {adj} [language] | 316 schockierend [Sprache] |  |
 | forthright {adj} [language] | 288 deutlich |  |
 | halting {adj} [language] | 144 holprig [Sprache] |  |
 | foul {adj} [language] | 127 unflätig [geh.] |  |
 | scatological {adj} [obscene] [language, humor, joke] [Br. also scatalogical] | 104 obszön [geh.] [unflätig] [Sprache, Humor, Witze] |  |
 | sign {adj} [attr.] [e.g. language, system] | 90 Zeichen- [z. B. Sprache, System] |  |
 | ling. conversant {adj} [Am.] [able to hold a conversation in a foreign language] | 78 konversationsfähig |  |
 | common {adj} [language, manners etc.] [esp. pej.] | 73 ordinär |  |
 | filthy {adj} [language] | 63 unflätig [geh.] |  |
 | ling. orotund {adj} [pompous] [language style] | 50 geschwollen [Sprachstil, Rede usw.] |  |
 | filthy {adj} [joke, language] | 45 zotig |  |
 | incoherent {adj} [of language and thoughts] | 33 abgerissen [Sätze, Gedanken etc.] |  |
 | blue {adj} [language] | 31 derb |  |
 | refined {adj} [e.g. language] | 27 gewählt [z. B. Sprache] |  |
 | coarse {adj} [language] | 24 rüde |  |
 | portable {adj} [pension, software, language] | 24 übertragbar |  |
 | scatological {adj} [obscene] [language, humor, joke] [Br. also scatalogical] | 21 fäkal [geh.] [obszön] [Sprache, Humor, Witze] |  |
 | forceful {adj} [language] | 17 eindrucksvoll |  |
 | scatological {adj} [obscene] [language, humor, joke] [Br. also scatalogical] | 17 unflätig [geh.] [obszön] [Sprache, Humor, Witze] |  |
 | ling. orotund {adj} [pompous] [language style] | 15 pompös [Sprachstil, Rede usw.] |  |
 | lit. figured {adj} [language] | 14 bilderreich |  |
 | educ. tech. undirected {adj} [teaching, language acquisition etc., also in technology] | 14 ungesteuert [Unterricht, Spracherwerb etc., auch Technik] |  |
 | dirty {adj} [language] | 13 unflätig [geh.] |  |
 | lit. figured {adj} {past-p} [language etc.] | 13 figurativ |  |
 | ling. orotund {adj} [bombastic] [language style] | 13 bombastisch [Sprachstil] |  |
 | stereotyped {adj} [language] | 12 floskelhaft |  |
 | third {adj} [attr.] [e.g. brood, car, copy, country, language] | 12 Dritt- [z. B. Brut, Wagen, Ausfertigung, Staat, Sprache] |  |
 | biol. ethn. ling. allochthonous {adj} [population, language] | 10 allochthon [Bevölkerungsgruppe, Sprache] |  |
 | [German youth language; bad, ugly, disgusting, stupid, etc.] {adj} | 9 reudig [pej.] [Jugendsprache] [schlecht, hässlich, eklig, dumm usw.] |  |
 | hifalutin {adj} [Am.] [e.g. language] [spv.: highfalutin] | 9 geschwollen [z. B. Sprache] |  |
 | common {adj} [of people, language] | 8 gschert [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [ordinär] |  |
 | dirty {adj} [jokes, language, etc.] | 6 zotig |  |
 | audio ling. mus. tone {adj} [attr.] [e.g. arm, interval, language, poem, syllable] | 6 Ton- [z. B. Arm, Intervall, Sprache, Dichtung, Silbe] |  |
 | [Southern German filler, used to intensify the sense of an expression, and to express surprise. Unusual in written language] | 5 fei [südd.] [regional] |  |
 | saucy {adj} [language] | 5 koddrig [salopp] [regional] [auch: kodderig] |  |
 | [treasuring, and caring for, the purity of a / the language] {adj} {adv} | sprachpflegerisch |  |
 | blackguard {adj} [regarding foul language] | roh [sprachlich] |  |
 | blue {adj} [language] | nicht salonfähig |  |
 | ethn. ling. Cajun {prefix} [house, language, etc.] | Cajun- [Haus, Sprache usw.] |  |
 | colourful {adj} [Br.] [euphem.] [vulgar or rude (language)] | vulgär [Sprache] |  |
 | ling. commonly {adv} [in common language] | gemeinsprachlich |  |
 | ling. Emilian {adj} [language] | emilianisch |  |
 | hackneyed {adj} [literary, language] | floskelhaft |  |