Dictionary English German: [ivy]

Translation 1 - 36 of 36


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ivied {adj} [covered in ivy]
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oenol. bush [obs.] [a bunch of ivy hung as a vintner's sign in front of a tavern]Buschen {m} [österr.] [südd.]
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bot. urushiol [organic allergen found in plants, e.g. poison ivy]Urushiol {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to climb up [on sth., e.g. ivy on a wall](sich) emporranken [geh.] [an etw., z. B. Mauer]
2 Words: Nouns
Ivy credentials [Am.] [coll.]Hochschul-Qualifikation {f} [von einer Universität der US-Ivy-League]
Ivy LeaguerIvy Leaguer {m} [Student oder Absolvent einer der acht sogenannten „Ivy League“-Eliteuniversitäten]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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