Dictionary English German: [its]

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English German
vintage {adj} [best of its kind]
pony {adj} [attr.] [something very small of its kind]
naut. sb. careens sth. [turns a vessel over on its side]
jd. kielholt etw.
pony {adj} [attr.] [something very small of its kind]
proverb [»Every little bean will make its own little sound.« - referring to flatulence related to consumption of legumes]Jedes Böhnchen gibt ein Tönchen. [hum.]
Hanoverian {adj} [relating to the city of Hanover or its citizens]hannöverisch [selten] [Hannover, die Hannoveraner betreffend]
Hanoverian {adj} [relating to the city of Hanover or its citizens]hannöversch [seltener neben: hannoversch] [Hannover, die Hannoveraner betreffend]
zool. hatching {adj} {pres-p} [emerging from its egg]schlüpfend
geogr. hist. Milesian {adj} [of or relating to Miletus or its inhabitants]milesisch
overblown {adj} [past its prime]am Verblühen
entom. orn. zool. to hatch [emerge from its egg; also: emerge from a chrysalis or pupa ]
schlüpfen [Vogel, Fisch, Schlange etc.; auch: Schmetterling etc.]
to locate sth. [define its place in a certain framework]
etw.Akk. verorten [fachspr.] [sonst geh.]
to replace sth. [to put sth. back in its place]
etw. zurücklegen [an seinen Platz legen]
to shift sth. [move from its place]
etw. verrücken
gastr. to pacotize [process, which mixes and purees deep frozen food stuff directly in its frozen state]
pacossieren [Tiefgefrorenes ohne Auftauen mit dem Pacojet® pürieren]
to bream sth. [archaic] [clear a ship or its bottom]etw.Akk. reinkratzen und reinbrennen [Schiff, Schiffsboden]
to carry sth. [bring in its wake]etw. mit sich bringen
ling. to conjugate sth. [through all its grammatical forms]etw.Akk. durchkonjugieren
hydro. to crest [Am.] [flood or river: rise to its highest level]den Höchststand erreichen [Flut, Fluss]
hydro. to crest [Am.] [flood: rise to its highest level]den Scheitelpunkt erreichen [Flut]
to deconstruct sth. [reduce sth. to its constituent parts in order to reinterpret it]etw. (zur Neuinterpretation) auf seine (wesentlichen) Bestandteile zurückführen
to exercise sth. [to tax its powers, i.e. under considerable physical or mental exertion]etw.Akk. (stark) in Anspruch nehmen
hist. law relig. to outlaw sb. [to put sb. outside the law and deprive him/her of its protection] [hist.]jdn. in Acht und Bann tun [Redewendung]
to restore [to its former condition]in den alten Zustand versetzen
to twist [of its own accord] [to warp]sichAkk. verdrehen
spectacle [event or scene regarded in terms of its visual impact]
Schauspiel {n} [eindrucksvoller Anblick, beeindruckende Szene]
math. pi <π> [the symbol π denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter / the ratio itself]
Pi {n} <π> [Kreiszahl]
lollapaloosa [Am.] [sl.] [also spelled lollapalooza, lallapalooza or lalapalooza] [something outstanding of its kind]
[etwas Außergewöhnliches oder besonders Hervorragendes]
geogr. Schwabing [borough in Munich, often considered its Bohemian quarter]
Schwabing {n}
anat. med. VetMed. mamma [a mammary gland and its accessory parts]
Mamma {f} [fachspr.] [weibliche Brust, Brustdrüse, Euter]
tech. slitting [cutting a metal sheet along a straight line parallel to its length]
Abschneiden {n} [Werkstück, Scherschneiden]
archi. urban [detached residence set in its own grounds]
Villa {f}
gastr. [method of cooking meat very slowly in its own fat, usually as preservation]
Konfieren {n} [Garmethode, bei der Fleisch im eigenen Fett gegart wird; bes. als Konservierungsmethode]
agr. bot. gastr. tops {pl} [leaves, stems, and shoots of a plant, esp. those of a vegetable grown for its root]
Kraut {n} [das Grüne, bes. von Wurzelgemüse]
oenol. [a vine that has not been grafted, but grows on its own roots]Direktträger {m} [auch: Selbstträger]
agr. [cf. Almabtrieb; joint herds from multiple farmers are sorted in the Viehscheid, and each cow is returned to its owner]Viehscheid {m} [Allgäu, Deutschland]
[city with half-timbered houses in its historic downtown district]Fachwerkstadt {f}
mus. [Gebrauchsmusik, German term for music that exists not only for its own sake ("utility music")]F-Musik {f} [Gebrauchsmusik]
[male associated with a team or a students' fraternity bearing "Borussia" in its name; e.g. common for members of the football teams "Borussia Mönchengladbach" and "Borussia Dortmund"]Borusse {m}
zool. [male fawn of roe deer, chamois, or ibex, in its first year of life]Bockkitz {n} [Kitzbock]
archi. hist. urban [palace-sized revivalist town house, lived in by its owners but let in part]Zinspalais {n} [Österreich]
agr. [position of a crop in crop rotation (and its yield)]Tracht {f} [Stellung einer Fruchtart in der Fruchtfolge (und ihr Ertrag)]
hunting [raptor that kills (mainly) with its beak; e.g. a falcon]Bisstöter {m}
hunting [raptor that kills (mainly) with its feet; e.g. a hawk]Grifftöter {m}
mus. clang [fundamental note with its harmonics, from German "Klang"]Klang {m} [Helmholtz]
country [region (with regard to its physical features)]Land {n} [Landstrich, Gegend]
pol. Francophobia [hatred of France, its people and culture]Franzosenhass {m}
educ. hist. Leucorea [name given the University of Wittenberg at its founding]Leucorea {f} [Universität Wittenberg]
for. hist. perambulation [chiefly historical] [record of a forest's boundaries established through walking its perimeter]Waldvermessung {f} [hauptsächlich historisch]
surcharge [a mark printed on a postage stamp changing its value]Aufdruck {m}
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