| English | German | |
| issued {adj} {past-p} [the items issued, also: the issued items] | 771 veröffentlicht | |
| plastic {adj} [e.g. coating, crown, items] | 52 Kunststoff- [z. B. Beschichtung, Krone, Artikel] | |
| comm. ind. packaged {past-p} [separate items as a single unit] | 18 konfektioniert [in gewissen Mengen abgepackt] | |
| proverb [German nursery rhyme to mark knives, forks, scissors and fire as dangerous items] | Messer, Gabel, Schere, Licht sind für kleine Kinder nicht! | |
| mixed {adj} [made up of items of more than one kind] | gemischt [aus verschiedenen Bestandteilen bestehend] | |
Verbs |
| to label sth. [e.g. items of an exhibition] | 9 etw.Akk. beschildern [z. B. Exponate einer Ausstellung] | |
Nouns |
| shopping {sg} [items bought] | 123 Einkäufe {pl} | |
| comm. purchase [esp. of a certain number of items] | 13 Abnahme {f} [Kauf] | |
| bag [for storing / carrying items] | Büdel {m} [nordd.] [Beutel] | |
| comm. esot. esoterica [esoteric items] | esoterische Artikel {pl} [Gegenstände] | |
| hundredths [persons, items] | Hundertste {pl} | |
| hist. textil. osnaburg [a kind of coarse linen or cotton used for such items as furnishings and sacks] | [grober Leinen- od. Baumwollstoff, z. B. für Säcke, Sklavenkleidung] | |
2 Words |
| to arrive damaged [package, goods, items, etc.] | beschädigt ankommen [Paket, Ware, Artikel etc.] | |
| philat. additional postage {sg} [supplemental stamps for oversize or overweight items] | Ergänzungsmarken {pl} | |
| comm. call quantity [number of items requested] | Abrufmenge {f} | |
| Christmas shopping {sg} [items bought] | Weihnachtseinkäufe {pl} | |
| hist. general store [specialized in food items from overseas] | Kolonialwarenladen {m} | |
| holiday shopping {sg} [items bought] | Urlaubseinkäufe {pl} | |
| med. housewife's eczema [hand irritation from various household items] | Waschfrauenhände {pl} | |
| med. housewife's eczema [hand irritation from various household items] | Waschhände {pl} | |
| natural trunk [in decorative items] | Naturstamm {m} [in Dekoartikeln] | |
| spring shopping {sg} [items bought] | Frühjahrseinkäufe {pl} | |
| summer shopping {pl} [items bought] | Sommereinkäufe {pl} | |
| tourist shopping {sg} [items bought] | Touristeneinkäufe {pl} | |
| comm. white sale [featuring esp. linens, household items] | Weiße Wochen {pl} [veraltend] | |
3 Words |
| to make sth. last (longer) [e.g. food items, perfume] | etw.Akk. länger haltbar machen | |
| a series of sth. [sequence of items] | eine Serie {f} von etw.Dat. | |
5+ Words |
| Separate ... into approved items and items in need of rework. | ... in Gutware und Nacharbeit trennen. | |