| English  | German |  |
 | awkward {adj} [item] | 392 sperrig |  |
 | mandatory {adj} [e.g. celibacy, details, insurance, item, payment] | 92 Pflicht- [z. B. Zölibat, Angaben, Versicherung, Feld, Zahlung] |  |
 | comm. loaner- {prefix} [sth. lent for an item being serviced or repaired] | 45 Ersatz- [z. B. Ersatzgerät, Ersatzwagen] |  |
Verbs |
 | cloth. to don sth. [an item of clothing (but not a hat)] | 1224 etw. anziehen |  |
 | cloth. to wear sth. [an item of clothing (but not a hat)] | 1187 etw.Akk. anhaben [ugs.] [ein Kleidungsstück] |  |
 | cloth. to don sth. [an item of clothing (but not shoes or a hat)] | 823 etw.Akk. anlegen [geh.] [Kleidung] |  |
 | to cut sth. [cut off from a bigger item] | 433 etw. abschneiden [Scheibe Brot etc.] |  |
 | to manhandle sth. [a heavy item] | 298 etw.Akk. hieven [ugs.] |  |
 | comm. to invoice sth. [an item or a service] | 277 etw.Akk. berechnen [einen Artikel od. eine Dienstleistung] |  |
 | comm. to carry sth. [item in shop/store] | 186 etw. führen [Waren] |  |
 | comm. to price sth. [the goods, an item, etc.] | 87 etw.Akk. auszeichnen [mit Preisen versehen] [die Ware, einen Artikel etc.] |  |
 | FoodInd. to enrobe sth. [coat a food item with a coating medium] | 17 etw.Akk. überziehen [z. B. mit Schokolade] |  |
 | comm. to price sth. [attach price labels to an item] | 12 etw.Akk. auspreisen [einen Artikel auszeichnen] |  |
 | comm. to price sth. [attach price labels (to an item)] | etw.Akk. mit Preisschildern versehen [fachspr.: (Ware) auspreisen] |  |
Nouns |
 | trinket [item of jewellery] | 560 Schmuck {m} [Schmuckstück, bes. von geringerem Wert] |  |
 | loan [item on loan] | 209 Leihgabe {f} |  |
 | cull [rejected item] | 99 Ausschuss {m} |  |
 | comp. Tools [Microsoft Windows menu item] | 70 Extras {pl} [Menüpunkt in Microsoft Windows] |  |
 | law removal [of an item from the agenda] | 38 Absetzung {f} [eines Punktes von der Tagesordnung] |  |
 | dish [Am.] [sl.] [item of gossip, intimate information] | 15 Gerücht {n} [hier als Klatschthema oder vertrauliche Information verstanden] |  |
 | law [item in an insurance claim] | Anspruchsposten {m} |  |
 | [negative item on credit report] | negativer Schufa-Eintrag {m} |  |
 | insur. [pairs or sets, e.g. a pair of shoes, where the loss of one item reduces the value of the remaining item(s)] | (einheitliche) Sachmehrheit {f} |  |
 | agendum [agenda item] | Tagesordnungspunkt {m} |  |
 | FoodInd. ind. enrober [machine used to coat a food item with a coating medium, typically chocolate] | Überziehanlage {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | corrected for [in place of sth.] [e.g.: corrected for "item" (to "time")] | korrigiert von [+Dat.] [z. B.: korrigiert von „Alge“ (auf „Lage“)] |  |
 | corrected to [in favor of sth. else] [e.g.: corrected to "time" (for "item")] | korrigiert auf [+Akk.] [z. B.: korrigiert auf „Lage“ (für „Alge“)] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | artificial plant [decorative item] | Kunstpflanze {f} [Dekoartikel] |  |
 | brass fastener [esp. a stationery item] | Rundkopfklammer {f} [bes. Büromaterial] |  |
 | brass fastener [stationery item] | Musterbeutelklammer {f} [Büromaterial] |  |
 | brass fastener [stationery item] | Postklammer {f} [früher für: Musterklammer, Musterbeutelklammer] |  |
 | comm. catalogue number [for ordering an item to purchase] | Bestellnummer {f} [Katalognummer] |  |
 | spec. collection data [data referring to collecting an item, specimen, etc.] | Funddaten {pl} |  |
 | archaeo. grave good [item buried with a body] | Grabbeigabe {f} |  |
 | hot item [coll.] [fig.] [highly coveted item] | begehrter Artikel {m} |  |
 | QM new proposal <NP> [for a work item] [proposal stage] [ISO, IEC] | neuer Vorschlag {m} [ISO-Normungsprozess; Stufe: Vorschlag] |  |
 | paper fastener [stationery item] | Flachkopfklammer {f} [Spreizklammer] |  |
 | performance component [item in a list of tasks] | Leistungsbestandteil {m} |  |
 | comm. price dispersion [variation in prices across sellers of the same item] | Preisdispersion {f} [unterschiedliche Produktpreise bei verschiedenen Anbietern] |  |
 | print publ. printed material [single item] | Druckerzeugnis {n} |  |
 | red herring [coll.] [diversion of attention from an item of significance] | Finte {f} [geh.] [Ablenkungsmanöver] |  |
 | split pin [Br.] [esp. a stationery item] | Spreizklammer {f} [bes. Büromaterial] |  |
 | Valentine's package [gift item] | Valentinspäckchen {n} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | item by item {adv} | Punkt für Punkt |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | comm. to carry (a product) [e.g.: We do not carry the item.] | im Programm haben [z. B.: Wir haben den Artikel nicht im Programm.] |  |
 | libr. to place sth. on hold [an item such as a book] | etw. vormerken |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | toys pull (along) toy [single item] | Nachziehspielzeug {n} |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | libr. to place a hold on [an item such as a book] | vormerken |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | stat. corrected item-total correlation [item discrimination] | Itemtrennschärfe {f} |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | It fell off the truck. [Am.] [coll.] [stolen item] | Es ist vom Laster gefallen. [ugs.] [gestohlen] |  |
 | idiom It fell off the truck. [Am.] [coll.] [stolen item] | Es ist vom Lastwagen gefallen. [ugs.] [gestohlen] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to be not off the table [idiom] [e.g. topic, item] | noch nicht vom Tisch sein [Redewendung] [z. B. Thema, TOP] |  |
 | comm. to be sold over the counter [store / shop item] | über den Ladentisch gehen |  |