| English  | German |  |
 | there {adv} [in that respect; on that matter / issue] | 1268 da [in dieser Hinsicht; in dieser Sache / Angelegenheit] |  |
 | divisive {adj} [figure, issue] | 1172 umstritten |  |
 | bedrock {adj} [attr.] [e.g. issue, principle] | 671 Grund- [fundamental, z. B. Grundprinzip] |  |
 | divisive {adj} [issue] | 467 kontrovers |  |
 | sensitive {adj} [mission, issue] | 426 heikel |  |
 | vexed {adj} [issue] | 372 umstritten |  |
 | resolved {adj} {past-p} [argument, issue, dispute, etc.] | 340 geklärt |  |
 | volatile {adj} [situation, issue] | 267 brisant [fig.] |  |
 | core {adj} [attr.] [e.g. competence, group, issue, meaning; damage, drill] | 117 Kern- [z. B. Kompetenz, Gruppe, Frage, Bedeutung; Schäden, Bohrer] |  |
 | revisited {adj} {past-p} [argument, issue] | erneut aufgegriffen |  |
 | revisited {adj} {past-p} [argument, issue] | wieder aufgegriffen |  |
 | vexed {adj} [issue] | viel diskutiert |  |
Verbs |
 | to address sth. [a problem, an issue, etc.] | 1157 etw.Akk. angehen [ein Problem, eine Frage etc.] |  |
 | fin. to emit sth. [issue] [money, banknotes etc.] | 490 etw.Akk. ausgeben [emittieren, in Umlauf setzen] |  |
 | publ. to pulp sth. [books, a publication, an issue, etc.] | 134 etw.Akk. einstampfen [Bücher, eine Veröffentlichung, eine Ausgabe etc.] |  |
 | to proceed [originate, issue] | 105 hervorgehen |  |
 | to address sth. [issue, problem] | bei etw.Dat. ansetzen [etw. angehen] |  |
 | law to injunct sb. [to issue an injunction against sb.] | eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen jdn. erlassen |  |
 | to revisit sth. [argument, issue] | nochmals auf etw.Akk. zurückkommen |  |
 | to sidetrack sth. [fig.] [issue, plan] | etw. auf Eis legen [fig.] [Angelegenheit, Plan] |  |
Nouns |
 | matter [affair, issue, business] | 5070 Angelegenheit {f} |  |
 | case [issue, affair, cause] [also ling., law, med.] | 2347 Fall {m} [Sache] [auch ling., law., med.] |  |
 | case [matter, issue] | 367 Angelegenheit {f} |  |
 | clarification [of a term, an issue etc.] | 332 Klärung {f} [einer Frage, eines Begriffs etc.] |  |
 | econ. briefing [fig.] [resumee of key data to an issue] | 66 Steckbrief {m} [fig.] [Zusammenfassung von Schlüsseldaten zu einem Vorgang] |  |
 | case [issue, affair, cause] | 64 Sache {f} |  |
 | subject [issue, subject-matter] | 21 Sache {f} [Thema] |  |
 | pol. [a political party or body renouncing to issue a voting recommendation before votes or referendums] | Stimmfreigabe {f} [schweiz.] |  |
 | relig. [issue of faith calling for a clear taking of sides] | Bekenntnisfrage {f} |  |
 | [one of a physician's fingers as an issue of insurance; literally: goldfinger] | Goldfinger {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Arztfinger in Versicherungsfällen] |  |
 | nonissue [also: non-issue] | Nicht-Thema {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | highly charged {adj} [issue, topic] | hochbrisant |  |
 | highly volatile {adj} [situation, issue] | hochbrisant [fig.] |  |
 | hugely emotive {adj} [issue] | hochemotional |  |
 | in hand {adj} [postpos.] [matter, problem, question, issue, etc.] | vorliegend |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to seize upon sth. [issue etc.] | etw. (begierig) aufgreifen |  |
 | to touch on sth. [topic, issue] | etw. berühren [Thema] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | bad news {pl} [treated as sg.] [more than one issue] | schlechte Nachrichten {pl} |  |
 | bad news {pl} [treated as sg.] [one issue] | schlechte Nachricht {f} |  |
 | bête noire [issue] | Reizthema {n} |  |
 | DIN V [pre-issue of DIN standards] | DIN V {f} [DIN-Vornorm] |  |
 | ecol. environmental matter [issue, concern] | Umweltangelegenheit {f} |  |
 | main concern [issue or worry] | wichtigstes Anliegen {n} |  |
 | main concern [main issue or worry] | Hauptsorge {f} |  |
 | pending matter [unsettled issue / concern] | Pendenz {f} [schweiz.] [schwebende, unerledigte Sache, Angelegenheit] |  |
 | principal concern [main issue or worry] | wichtigstes Anliegen {n} |  |
 | relig. religious question [issue] | Religionsfrage {f} |  |
 | relig. status questionis [issue of faith calling for a clear taking sides] | status confessionis {m} [auch: Status confessionis] |  |
 | fin. subscription order [new issue] | Zeichnungsauftrag {m} |  |
 | technical matter [technical issue] | technische Frage {f} |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to make a statement [on an issue, problem, claim etc.] | eine Stellungnahme abgeben |  |
 | to stand strong on sth. [e.g. an issue] | bei etw.Dat. standhaft bleiben |  |
 | to stand strong on sth. [e.g. an issue] | in etw.Dat. standhaft bleiben |  |
 | fin. to underwrite [issue] a mortgage | eine Hypothek gewähren |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | a sore point [fig.] [a sensitive issue] | ein wunder Punkt {m} [fig.] |  |
 | hot-button issue [gut issue] | zentraler Streitpunkt {m} [besonders wichtige Frage] |  |
 | much debated issue [also: much-debated issue] | viel diskutierte Frage {f} |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | sth. raises its head again. [fig.] [e.g. a problem, an issue] | etw. taucht wieder auf. [fig.] [z. B. ein Problem, eine Frage] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to be at issue on sth. [idiom] [also: at issue about / over] | über etw.Akk. uneins sein |  |
 | pol. to vote No / Yes on sth. [proposition, issue] | zu etw. (mit) Nein / Ja stimmen [Gesetzesvorhaben usw., bes. bei Volksentscheiden] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to kick the can down the road [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [delay a decision in hopes that the problem or issue will go away] | ein / das Problem aussitzen wollen [ugs.] |  |
 | to put sth. on the back burner [plan, project, issue, etc.] [idiom] | etw.Akk. zurückstellen [auf später verschieben] |  |