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| sb. may [is permitted] | 3290 jd. darf | |
| ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.] | 2333 veraltet | |
| hopefully {adv} [sentence adverb: it is to be hoped that ...] | 871 hoffentlich | |
| sb./sth. lies [is in a horizontal position, is situated] | 287 jd./etw. liegt | |
| videlicet {adv} <viz> [namely, i.e, that is to say] | 279 nämlich | |
| sb. may [is permitted / can possibly] | 260 jd. kann | |
| then {adv} [intensifying term in questions like "Who / why then is ... ?"] | 165 denn [verstärkendes Wort in Fragen wie "Wer / Warum denn ist ... ?"] | |
| sb. reckons [is of the opinion] | 162 jd. meint | |
| twee {adj} [Br.] [pej.] [cute in a way that is silly or sentimental] | 138 niedlich [hier pej.] [auf kitschige, gezierte oder lächerliche Weise 'goldig'] | |
| twee {adj} [Br.] [pej.] [sweet or cute in a way that is silly or sentimental] | 98 putzig [ugs.] [hier pej.] [possierlich auf kitschige, gezierte oder lächerliche Weise] | |
| sb. thinks [is of the opinion] | 54 jd. meint | |
| caring {adj} [government or society that is concerned about human welfare] | 32 sozial [mitmenschlich] | |
| exhaustive {adj} [e.g. this list is not exhaustive] | 23 abschließend [erschöpfend] | |
| up {adv} [time is up etc.] | 23 um [die Zeit ist um usw.] | |
| sth. clinches [is the deciding factor] | 9 etw. entscheidet | |
| [of something which is sat upon, worn out from use] {adj} {past-p} | 6 durchgesessen | |
| relig. Inshallah [If it is God's will.] | 6 Inschallah [Wenn Allah will.] | |
| appended {adj} {past-p} [sth. is appended to sth.] | 5 hinzugefügt [etw. ist etw.Dat. hinzugefügt / beigefügt] | |
| Honest! [used as emphasis that what has just been said is true] | 5 Ungelogen! [ugs.] | |
| -ics {suffix} [when a branch of science, usually with the singular (ethics is)] | -ik | |
| quote RadioTV ["Which one would you like?" based on the "What is my profession?" quiz show question: "Which piggy-bank would you like?"] | Welches Schweinderl hätten S' denn gern? [Robert Lembke, «Was bin ich?»] | |
| quote [Here, there is no why.] | Hier ist kein Warum. [Zitat aus KZ Auschwitz, überliefert von Primo Levi] | |
| [if the default (failure to perform in due time) is due to intent or gross negligence] {adv} | wenn / sofern der Verzug auf Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit beruht | |
| [Is everything in order?] | Alles Roger in Kambodscha? [ugs.] [hum.] [Ist alles in Ordnung?] | |
| [late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned] | seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend] | |
| [literally, sb. swallowed a clown for breakfast, meaning sb. is too funny] | jd. hat einen Clown verschluckt / gefrühstückt [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Jemand ist übermäßig zum Spaßen aufgelegt] | |
| proverb [Old bread is not hard – no bread, that is hard.] | Altes Brot ist nicht hart – kein Brot, das ist hart. | |
| proverb [Speed is no sorcery!] | Geschwindigkeit ist keine Hexerei! | |
| [sth. is so built that it obstructs the view of and/or access to sth.] | etw. ist von etw.Dat. verbaut [Aussicht, Zugang] | |
| proverb [The bigger the choice, the harder it is to choose. Or, literally transl.: Whoever has (the) choice has (the) torment.] | Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual. | |
| [The days are getting longer again, spring is nearing.] | Es geht nauswärts. [fränk.] [pfälz.] [regional] | |
| quote [The foreigner is only foreign in a foreign land.] | Fremd ist der Fremde nur in der Fremde. [Karl Valentin] | |
| [There is ... ] | Es giebt ... [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Es gibt] | |
| cloth. beskirted {adj} {past-p} [often used when the skirt is part of a uniform] | im Rock [nachgestellt] | |
| he's [he is] | er ist | |
| in {prep} [in cases where an article is used in German but not English, e.g. "im November"] | im [Präp. + Art.: in dem] | |
| relig. Insha'Allah [If it is God's will.] | Inschallah [Wenn Allah will.] | |
| it's [it is] | es ist | |
| kindly {adv} [esp. in a way someone else is grateful for] | dankenswerterweise [freundlicherweise] | |
| zool. merle {adj} [a pattern in a dog's coat, though is commonly incorrectly referred to as a colour] | merlefarben [Fellfarbe, bes. bei Collies] | |
| sb. bosses [is in charge] | jd. kommandiert | |
| sb. rates sth. [is worthy of sth., merits sth.] | jdm. steht etw. zu [jd. hat Anspruch auf etw.] | |
| sb. tends [is disposed] | jd. neigt sich | |
| sb. tends [is inclined] | jd. zielt ab | |
| she's [she is] | sie ist | |
| sth. broke [sth. is broken, went to pieces] | etw. ist kaputt [ugs.] | |
| sth. matters [is important or significant] | es kommt auf etw. an [wichtiges sein] | |
| sth. reads [is to be interpreted as] | etw. soll heißen | |
| sth. signifies [is important] | etw. ist von Bedeutung | |
| there's [there is] | es gibt [existiert, ist vorhanden] | |