Dictionary English German: [intent]

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

English German
transparent {adj} [also fig.; e.g., intent, lie]
durchsichtig [auch fig.; z. B. Absicht, Lüge]
[if the default (failure to perform in due time) is due to intent or gross negligence] {adv}wenn / sofern der Verzug auf Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit beruht
to chase sb. [with erotic intent]
jdm. nachsteigen [ugs.]
takeoff [Br.] [with parodistic intent]Parodie {f}
2 Words
bent on {adj} [intent on]gerichtet auf [+Akk.]
bad faith [intent to deceive]Arglist {f}
law mens rea [criminal intent]kriminelle Absicht {f}
law will theory [outdated view in German law doctrine according to which the validity of a declaration of intent depends exclusively on the subjective will of the person making the declaration]Willenstheorie {f}
3 Words
to be bent on sth. [intent on]auf etw.Akk. gerichtet sein
4 Words
alteration of a cheque [Br.] [with intent to defraud]Fälschung {f} eines Schecks
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