Dictionary English German: [intended]

Translation 1 - 17 of 17

English German
effective {adj} [for the intended purpose]
purported {adj} {past-p} [intended]
intendiert [geh.]
adult {adj} [intended for adults, not suitable for children]nicht jugendfrei
assurance [statement intended to inspire confidence]
Zuspruch {m} [geh.] [Aufmunterung, (Worte der) Ermutigung]
shaft [remark intended to be witty, wounding, or provoking]
Bemerkung {f} [geistreich, verletzend oder provokant]
spec. tech. application [intended use]Verwendungszweck {m}
mark [Am.] [sl.] [intended victim of a swindler](potentielles) Betrugsopfer {n}
2 Words
to strike home [to hit the target or have the intended effect]sitzen [ugs.] [richtig treffen oder die gewünschte Wirkung erreichen]
jobs career goal [intended career through study and training]Berufsziel {n}
cover story [intended to deceive or mislead]Verschleierungsgeschichte {f} [zur Ablenkung von der wahren Begebenheit]
red herring [fig.] [intended to be distracting]Ablenkungsmanöver {n}
red herring [fig.] [intended to be misleading]falsche Fährte {f}
red herring [fig.] [intended to be misleading]falsche Spur {f} [um jdn. in die Irre zu führen]
ling. spoken text [text that has been spoken or that is intended for being spoken]Sprechtext {m} [gesprochener oder für das Sprechen vorgesehener Text]
4 Words
to pass sth. on to sb. else [esp. someone other than the originally intended recipient]etw. an jd. anders abgeben
5+ Words
mus. to the accompaniment of music {adv} [if artistic relation between action and music is not necessarily intended]unter Musikbegleitung
mus. to the accompaniment of music {adv} [rather if artistic relation between action and music is intended]zu Musikbegleitung
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