| English  | German |  |
 | open {adj} [not closed, esp. of buildings, institutions, shops] | 914 geöffnet |  |
 | Internet .edu [educational; domain name, United States-affiliated institutions of higher education] | [Internet-Domain: bes. für Universitäten in den USA] |  |
 | charitable {adj} [organizations, institutions] | sozialkaritativ |  |
Verbs |
 | to needle sb./sth. [coll.] [fig.] [hassle, annoy: people as well as institutions] | 65 jdn./etw. piesacken [ugs.] [sticheln, reizen, provozieren] |  |
Nouns |
 | sociol. trajectories [of processes, institutions etc.] | 207 Verläufe {pl} |  |
 | twinning [between institutions] | 32 Partnerschaft {f} |  |
 | fin. budgets [of different institutions etc.] | 21 Haushaltsmittel {pl} [verschiedener Einrichtungen etc.] |  |
 | trustees [of institutions] | 14 Kuratoren {pl} |  |
 | admin. RadioTV [fee collection center of public-law broadcasting institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany] | Gebühreneinzugszentrale {f} der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland <GEZ> |  |
 | customs {pl} [in homes, institutions, companies etc.] | Hausbrauch {m} |  |
 | trustees [of institutions] [female] | Kuratorinnen {pl} |  |
2 Words |
 | civil flag [a national flag for use of non-governmental institutions] | Bürgerliche Flagge {f} [Nationalflagge für den zivilen Gebrauch] |  |
3 Words |
 | comm. business entity identifier <BEI> [BIC code allocated to non-financial institutions] [ISO 9362] | Geschäftseinheitenkennung {f} [ein BIC, der einem Geschäftsbetrieb außerhalb des Finanzsektors zugeordnet ist] |  |
 | business identifier code <BIC> [for financial and non-financial institutions and related entities] [ISO 9362:2009] | Business-Identifier-Code {m} <BIC> [ISO 9362:2009] |  |
4 Words |
 | to be on the move [country, institutions, etc.] | sich im Umbruch befinden |  |