Dictionary English German: [inner]

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

English German
gastr. to gut sth. [to remove the inner organs of an animal]
etw.Akk. ausnehmen [ein geschlachtetes od. erlegtes Tier]
to line sth. [cover the inner surface of]
etw.Akk. auslegen [auskleiden]
archi. patio [inner court]
Innenhof {m}
med. surgery [operation, esp. on inner organs]
Eingriff {m} [Operation, bes. an inneren Organen]
calling [inner impulse]
Bestimmung {f} [Berufung]
archi. patio [inner courtyard, esp. of Spanish style buildings]
Patio {m} [bes. bei spanischen Häusern]
bot. liber [the inner bark of a tree, bast]
Bast {m}
workings {pl} [the manner of functioning or operating; e.g. the inner workings of the government]
Arbeitsweise {f}
anat. audio med. promontory [a prominence on the inner wall of the tympanum of the ear]
Promontorium {n}
med. atheroma [fatty degeneration of the inner coat of the arteries]Atherom {n} [atheromatöse Plaque]
med. atheroma [fatty degeneration of the inner coat of the arteries]atheromatöse Plaque {f}
canton [top inner corner of a flag]Gösch {f} [andersfarbige obere Ecke einer Flagge]
psych. drivers [one's inner drivers]Antreiber {pl} [innere Antreiber, z. B. seine eigenen Stärken]
externals [outward forms as opposed to inner substance]äußere Formen {pl} [im Gegensatz zur inneren Substanz]
relig. penetralia {pl} [sacred inner part of a temple]Allerheiligstes {n} [eines Tempels]
orn. speculum [patch, often distinctly coloured, on the inner remiges of some birds]Flügelspiegel {m} [auffällig gefärbte Stelle am Vogelflügel]
orn. speculum [patch, often distinctly coloured, on the inner remiges of some birds]Spiegel {m} [auffällig gefärbte Stelle am Vogelflügel]
anat. audio VetMed. utriculus [the larger of the two fluid-filled cavities forming part of the labyrinth of the inner ear]Utriculus {m} [das große Vorhofsäckchen] [Teil des Vestibularorgans]
2 Words: Nouns
admin. EU law Community instruments [diverse provisions regulating the inner working of the EU]Gemeinschaftsinstrumente {pl}
filing margin [blank space at the inner side of a printed page directed to the bookbinding]Heftrand {m} [nicht bedruckter innerer Rand einer bedruckten Seite der zur Buchbindung ausgerichtet ist]
tech. I.D. clamping [inner diameter clamping]Innenspannung {f}
hist. pol. Inner Council [also: inner council]Engerer Rat {m}
self-talk [inner monologue]innerer Monolog {m}
anat. tibial malleolus [Malleolus medialis] [inner malleolus]Schienbeinknöchel {m}
sports travel water tubing [riding on water on a large inflated inner tube]Wasserrodeln {n}
3 Words: Nouns
hist. inner-German Wall [fortified inner-German border]antifaschistischer Schutzwall {m} [offizielle DDR-Terminologie]
med. other specified diseases [e.g. of inner ear]sonstige näher bezeichnete Krankheiten {pl} [z. B. des Innenohres]
idiom the bowels of sth. [the deepest inner parts or areas]die Tiefen {pl} etw.Gen. / von etw. [z. B. der Hölle]
tube-type tyre [Br.] [tyre with inner tube]Fahrradreifen {m} mit Schlauch
tube-type tyre [Br.] [tyre with inner tube]Reifen {m} mit Schlauch [Fahrradreifen]
4 Words: Others
in the hollow grind {adv} [on the inner side of the lower shear blade]im Hohlen [bes. Schere]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. pol. protective strip and restricted zone [inner German border]Schutzstreifen und Sperrzone [innerdeutsche Grenze]
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