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|  |
 | you {pron} [informal] | 2265 du |  |
 | you {pl} {pron} [informal] | 1424 ihr |  |
 | you {pron} [direct object] [informal] | 1346 dich |  |
 | you {pron} [indirect object] [informal] | 1313 dir |  |
 | you {pron} [plural direct and indirect object] [informal] | 571 euch |  |
 | relaxed {adj} [easy and informal in manner] | 542 gelassen [entspannt, lässig, locker] |  |
 | casual {adj} [informal] | 537 ungezwungen |  |
 | casual {adj} [offhand, informal] | 248 salopp |  |
 | yourselves {pron} [direct / indirect object] [informal] | 133 euch |  |
 | u {pron} [informal, short for "you"] | du |  |
 | yourselves {pron} [direct / indirect object] [informal] | euch selbst |  |
Verbs |
 | to roost [lodge or stay for a night or a period of time, usu. in an informal or temporary manner] | sein Quartier aufgeschlagen haben [ugs.] [(vorübergehend) schlafen oder wohnen] |  |
Nouns |
 | wokeness [informal] [esp. alertness to injustice and racist discrimination] | 33 Wokeness {f} [hohe Sensibilität für insbesondere rassistische Diskriminierung] |  |
 | smoker [esp. Am.] [informal social gathering for men] | 6 Männerrunde {f} [zwangloses Beisammensein] |  |
 | ling. [an informal German with shortened (sentence) structures] | Kurzdeutsch {n} |  |
 | hist. [informal form of justice once practised in Bavaria and Tyrol] | Haberfeldtreiben {n} |  |
 | [informal gathering, frequently of musicians] | Hoagarten {m} [südd.] [österr.] |  |
 | admin. pol. indyref [informal short form of the 'independence referendum' in Scotland in 2014] | [Kurzform für das Referendum über die Unabhängigkeit Schottlands 2014] |  |
 | ragchew [coll.] [an extended, informal conversation (amateur radio contact)] | Plauder-QSO {n} [ugs.] [Amateurfunk] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | Slow down! [informal] [to somebody driving too fast] | Fahr langsamer! |  |
 | Yours truly, [at the end of a letter] [reserved for informal correspondence in British English] | Mit freundlichen Grüßen [am Ende eines Briefes / Schreibens] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | pol. back channel [unofficial informal channel of communication] [diplomacy etc.] | inoffizieller Kanal {m} [Diplomatie u. ä.] |  |
 | black labor [informal labor] [Am.] | Schwarzarbeit {f} |  |
 | black labour [Br.] [informal labour] | Schwarzarbeit {f} |  |
 | fireside manner [informal and friendly demeanour] | freundliches und lockeres Auftreten {n} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | Are you healthy? [singular, informal] | Bist du gesund? |  |
 | as for you {adv} [informal] | deinesteils |  |
 | as for you {adv} [informal] | euresteils [selten] |  |
 | Don't you dare! [informal] | Untersteh Dich! |  |
 | Don't you dare! [informal] | Wehe (dir)! |  |
 | Ever wonder why ...? [informal address] | Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum ...? |  |
 | Lots of love [informal letter ending] | Liebe Grüße [Briefschluss] |  |
 | There you go, ... [informal] [used when giving sth. to sb.] | Bitte sehr / schön ... [wenn jd. jdm. etw. aushändigt] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | educ. to be left back [Am.] [informal] | nicht versetzt werden |  |
 | to get one's oats [Br.] [very informal] | regelmäßig Sex haben |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | traffic multiple pile-up [slightly informal] | Massencrash {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | hist. Roman-German empire [informal] | römisch-deutsches Kaiserreich {n} [informell] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | Do you like it? [informal; one person asked] | Gefällt es dir? |  |
 | Do you like it? [informal; one person asked] | Magst du es? |  |
 | Do you like it? [informal] [addressing a group of people] | Gefällt es euch? |  |
 | jobs What is your profession? [informal] | Was bist du von Beruf? |  |
 | What is your profession? [informal] | Welchen Beruf übst du aus? |  |
 | You must be joking! [informal] | Du machst wohl Witze! |  |
 | You must be joking! [informal] | Das meinst du doch nicht im Ernst! |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | hist. Battle of the Bulge [informal name for the German Ardennes Offensive] | [amerikanische Bezeichnung der dt. Ardennenoffensive 1944/45] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | We wish you great success! | Wir wünschen dir gutes Gelingen! [informal] |  |