Dictionary English German: [industrial]

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econ. ind. intraplant {adj} [attr.] [within the industrial plant]innerhalb des Betriebs [nachgestellt]
engin. material to pickle sth. [industrial cleaning process]etw.Akk. dekapieren
econ. jobs pol. strike [industrial action]
Streik {m}
strike [industrial action]
Ausstand {m}
strike [industrial action]
Arbeitsstreik {m}
strikes [industrial action]
Streiks {pl}
ind. mil. supplies [materials needed in war, industrial production, etc.]
Versorgungsgüter {pl}
hist. [years of rapid industrial expansion in Germany at the end of the 19th century]
Gründerzeit {f}
hist. [period (1871-1873) when many industrial firms were founded in Germany]
Gründerzeit {f}
[female owner of one or more heavy-industrial companies]Schwerindustrielle {f}
[industrial snow] [snow created from industrial emission of water vapour]Industrieschnee {m} [durch Emission besonders von Wasserdampf aus Industrieanlagen entstandener Schnee]
[low-quality industrial grade egg product]Schleuder-Ei {n} [ugs. oder Branchenjargon] [pej.]
[owner of one or more heavy-industrial companies]Schwerindustrieller {m}
hist. [period (1871-1873) when many industrial firms were founded in Germany]Gründerjahre {pl}
mus. coldwave [spv.] [industrial metal subgenre]Cold Wave {m}
jobs field [industrial grouping]Branche {f} [ugs.] [Fachgebiet]
geogr. Industrieviertel [industrial quarter] [Lower Austria]Industrieviertel {n} [Niederösterreich]
engin. material pickling [industrial cleaning process]Dekapieren {n}
wobbly[Mitglied der Gewerkschaft Industrial Workers of the World, USA]
2 Words: Others
off-stream {adj} [of an industrial plant etc.]nicht in Betrieb
2 Words: Verbs
to down tools [industrial dispute]die Arbeit niederlegen
2 Words: Nouns
ind. stat. branch statistics [treated as sg.] [business or industrial branch]Branchenstatistik {f}
mus. cold wave [industrial metal subgenre]Cold Wave {m}
bot. corn plant [Am.] [organism, not industrial plant]Maispflanze {f}
industrial belt [industrial area]Industriegürtel {m} [Industrieregion]
industrial management [also: industrial economics]Industriebetriebslehre {f}
fish longline fishery [industrial fishing]Langleinenfischerei {f} [industrielle Fischerei]
acad. hist. spec. Old Europe [also: old Europe] [pre-industrial Europe, before the Age of Enlightenment]Alteuropa {n} [vor der Aufklärung, vorindustriell]
ind. plant monitoring [industrial plant]Anlagenüberwachung {f} [Industrieanlagen]
law property right [industrial, intellectual]Schutzrecht {n}
scaffold piercing [Br.] [Irish]Scaffold-Piercing {n} [Industrial-Piercing]
ind. stat. sector statistics {pl} [treated as sg.] [of a business or industrial sector]Branchenstatistik {f}
econ. strike rate [frequency of industrial action]Streikhäufigkeit {f}
3 Words: Nouns
cooling-off period [in an industrial dispute]Friedensfrist {f}
downing of tools [industrial action] [Br.] [Aus.]Arbeitsniederlegung {f}
ind. large-scale production [industrial]Großproduktion {f}
fish purse-seine netting [industrial fishing]Ringwadennetz {n} [industrielle Fischerei]
fish purse-seine netting [industrial fishing]Taschennetz {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to cross the picket line [industrial dispute]die Streiklinie durchbrechen
4 Words: Nouns
comp. industrial signature interoperability specification <ISIS> [German Office for Data Processing Security]ISIS-Spezifikation {f} [auch: Industrial Signature Interoperability Specification]
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