| English  | German |  |
 | indifferent {adj} [not important or interesting] | 4136 gleichgültig |  |
 | significant {adj} [considerable, important, meaningful] | 2761 bedeutend [groß, wichtig, bedeutsam] |  |
 | material {adj} [important] | 566 wesentlich |  |
 | consequential {adj} [self-important] | 491 überheblich |  |
 | subservient {adj} [subordinate, less important] | 437 untergeordnet |  |
 | obscure {adj} [not important] | 425 unbedeutend |  |
 | consequential {adj} [self-important] | 413 pompös |  |
 | consequential {adj} [self-important] | 406 hochtrabend |  |
 | consequential {adj} [self-important] | 399 wichtigtuend |  |
 | significant {adj} [important] | 235 wichtig |  |
 | main {adj} [attr.] [most important] | 207 wichtigste |  |
 | chief {adj} [attr.] [most important] | 143 wichtigste |  |
 | chief {adj} [attr.] [most important] | 136 bedeutendste |  |
 | grave {adj} [important, weighty] | 120 wichtig [gewichtig, schwerwiegend] |  |
 | primary {adj} [most important] | 75 wichtigste |  |
 | salient {adj} [most noticeable or important, e.g. feature, points of arguments] | 72 Haupt- [hervorstechend, z. B. Merkmal oder Eigenschaft, Punkte der Argumentation] |  |
 | material {adj} [important] | 50 wichtig |  |
 | insubstantial {adj} [fig.] [negligible, not important] | 21 unbedeutend |  |
 | consequential {adj} [important, significant] | 20 wichtig [bedeutsam] |  |
 | officious {adj} [self-important] | 19 wichtigmacherisch |  |
 | med. pharm. cave [Latin: caution] [commonly used to denote important information in patient's charts] | cave / Cave [Beispiel: Kontraindikation - Cave Nierensteine] |  |
 | crucial {adj} [extremely important] | äußerst wichtig |  |
 | sth. matters [is important or significant] | es kommt auf etw. an [wichtiges sein] |  |
 | sth. signifies [is important] | etw. ist von Bedeutung |  |
Verbs |
 | to weigh [be important] | 44 gelten [geh.] [wichtig, von Bedeutung sein] |  |
 | to count [be important] | zählen [Bedeutung haben, wert sein] |  |
 | to signify [rare] [be important] | von Bedeutung sein |  |
Nouns |
 | bumble [Br.] [pej.] [dated] [self-important person] | 128 Wichtigtuer {m} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | personage [important or distinguished person] | 122 Persönlichkeit {f} [bedeutende Person] |  |
 | econ. QM tech. milestone [completion of an important phase in project management] | 96 Meilenstein {m} [fig.] [Ereignis besonderer Bedeutung, wichtiges Zwischenziel im Projektmanagement] |  |
 | retinue [a group of advisers, assistants, or others accompanying an important person] [entourage] | 86 Entourage {f} [geh.] |  |
 | sports derby [an important sporting contest] | 17 Derby {n} |  |
 | neol. [most or very important person in one's life] | Lebensmensch {m} |  |
 | [young girl, who in the company of other young girls, greets an important guest at a celebration] | Ehrenjungfrau {f} [veraltet] |  |
 | SIFI [systemically important financial institution] | [systemisch wichtiges Finanzinstitut] |  |
 | swell [coll.] [dated] [important person] | hohes Tier {n} [ugs.] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | for one, ... {adv} [with a single given example, often the most obvious or important one] | vor allem ... |  |
 | hoity-toity {adj} [pretentiously self-important] | eingebildet [selbstgefällig] |  |
 | most prominent {adj} [most famous or important] | am prominentesten [nur prädikativ] |  |
 | single most {adv} {adj} [e.g. single most important] | aller- [z. B. allerwichtigste] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to attend on sb. [wait on, serve (an important person)] | jdm. aufwarten [veraltend] [(einen illustren Gast) bedienen] |  |
 | to put sth. before sth. [consider better, more important] | etw.Akk. über etw.Akk. stellen [besser finden, wichtiger nehmen] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | (big) wheel [coll.] [esp. Am.] [esp. Can.] [important person] | großes / hohes Tier {n} [ugs.] [eine Person von großem Ansehen] |  |
 | a mouthful [Am.] [coll.] [important remark] | ein großes Wort {n} [wichtige Aussage] |  |
 | big cheese [coll.] [important person] | hohes Tier {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | big enchilada [Am.] [coll.] [most important person in a group, business, etc.] | Oberboss {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | hist. pol. district office [at factories and other important installations / facilities] | Objektdienststelle {f} <OD> [DDR-Begriff] |  |
 | main message [most important piece of information] | Hauptbotschaft {f} |  |
 | record vault [for important documents] | Archiv {n} [für wichtige Unterlagen] |  |
 | self-canonisation [Br.] [by fixing a representative selection of one's most important works] | Selbstkanonisierung {f} |  |
 | self-canonization [by fixing a representative selection of one's most important works] | Selbstkanonisierung {f} |  |
 | educ. teacher participation [in important decisions] | Lehrerbeteiligung {f} [an wichtigen Entscheidungen] |  |
 | wise guy [esp. Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [(self-important) smart aleck] | Wichtigtuer {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [der alles besser weiß] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | No big deal. [coll.] [idiom] [no problem, not important] | Kein Problem. |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to feature prominently in sth. [have an important part] | eine wichtige Rolle in etw.Dat. spielen [auch fig.] |  |
 | to mean something to sb. [to be important] | jdm. etwas bedeuten [wichtig sein] |  |
 | to play second fiddle [idiom] [be less important or in a weaker position] | die zweite Geige spielen [Redewendung] [eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | matter of concern [important matter] | wichtige Angelegenheit {f} |  |
 | matter of moment [important matter] | Sache {f} von Belang |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to consider sth. to be (too) ... [e.g. dangerous, important] | etw. für (zu) ... halten [z. B. gefährlich, wichtig] |  |
 | to play second fiddle to sb. [idiom] [be less important or in a weaker position] | in jds. Schatten stehen [Redewendung] [nicht gebührend beachtet werden] |  |