| English  | German |  |
 | after {prep} [later in time than; next to and following in order or importance] | 1803 nach [+Dat.] <n.> [zeitlich; zur Angabe einer Reihenfolge oder Rangfolge] |  |
 | principal {adj} [attr.] [main, first in order or importance] | 463 Haupt- [wichtigste, erste] |  |
 | pivotal {adj} [of crucial importance] | 127 lebenswichtig |  |
 | principal {adj} [first in importance] | 61 bedeutendste |  |
 | inestimable {adj} [value, importance] | 53 unermesslich [geh.] |  |
 | coordinate {adj} [equal in rank or importance] [also: co-ordinate] | 13 gleichrangig |  |
 | cardinal {adj} [of foremost importance] | 12 kardinal [geh.] |  |
 | critical {adj} [of decisive importance] | von entscheidender Bedeutung |  |
 | minor {adj} [lesser in importance] | von geringerer Bedeutung [nachgestellt] |  |
 | minor {adj} [lesser in importance] | von geringerer Wichtigkeit [nachgestellt] |  |
 | small {adj} [size, importance] | Pimperl- [österr.] [ugs.] [klein, unbedeutend] |  |
Verbs |
 | to precede sth. [in importance] | 525 etw.Dat. vorgehen [wichtiger sein] |  |
 | to stress sth. [attach great importance] | auf etw. besonderen Wert legen [Redewendung] |  |
Nouns |
 | concerns [matters of interest or importance to sb.] | 464 Anliegen {pl} |  |
 | concern [interest, importance] | 210 Belang {m} |  |
 | accessory [subordinate or supplementary part of minor importance] | 118 Nebensache {f} |  |
 | import [meaning, importance] | 95 Bedeutung {f} [Wichtigkeit] |  |
 | pretentiousness [self-importance] | 81 Anmaßung {f} [Überheblichkeit] |  |
 | consideration [importance, significance] | 28 Wichtigkeit {f} |  |
 | seriousness [importance] | 24 Bedeutung {f} |  |
 | art hist. [perspective (in pre-renaissance painting) that sizes persons and objects according to importance] | 16 Bedeutungsperspektive {f} |  |
 | concernment [importance] | 10 Bedeutung {f} |  |
 | accessory [subordinate or supplementary part of minor importance] | Akzessorium {n} [veraltet] [Nebensache, Beiwerk] |  |
 | authority [importance, validity] | Geltung {f} [Gültigkeit] |  |
 | moment [importance, consequence] | Tragweite {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | next to {prep} [following in order or importance] | nächst [+Dat.] [geh.] [(dem Rang, der Ordnung, dem Wert nach) unmittelbar nach; neben] |  |
 | sth. dates from ... [importance] | etw. geht zurück auf ... |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to blow sth. up [exaggerate the importance of] | etw. hochspielen |  |
 | to give sth. to sb./sth. [lend, e. g. importance, depth etc.] | jdm./etw. etw. verleihen [Bedeutung, Tiefe etc.] |  |
 | to play sth. up [coll.] [exaggerate the importance of] | etw. hochspielen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | big enchilada [Am.] [coll.] [person of great importance] | [einflussreiche Persönlichkeit] |  |
 | big enchilada [Am.] [coll.] [person of high rank or great importance] | hohes Tier {n} [ugs.] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | first and foremost {adv} [in importance] | vor allem |  |
 | more than regional {adj} [significance, importance] | überregional [Bedeutung] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to be on to sth. [realize importance of] | etw. klar erkennen |  |
 | to make nothing of sth. [Am.] [idiom] [treat sth. as of little importance] | sichDat. nichts aus etw.Dat. machen [Redewendung] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | idiom to be full of oneself [of the own importance] | von seiner eigenen Bedeutung erfüllt sein [von der eigenen Wichtigkeit] |  |