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 | econ. corporate {adj} [e.g. history, image, merger] | 1335 Firmen- [z. B. Geschichte, Image, Zusammenschluss] |  |
 | photo. print landscape {adj} [orientation of a photograph, image, print] | 138 quer |  |
 | comp. MedTech. photo. still {adj} [e.g. images, image data] | 60 stehend [z. B. Bilder, Bilddaten] |  |
 | comp. MedTech. photo. moving {adj} [e.g. image, image data, objects] | 55 bewegt [z. B. Bild, Bilddaten, Objekte] |  |
 | photo. print portrait {adj} [orientation of a photograph, image, print] | 46 hoch |  |
 | audio RadioTV clear {adj} [image, sound] | 26 sauber [störungsfrei, Wiedergabe] |  |
 | verbal {adj} [e.g. acrobat, behaviour, image] | 5 Sprach- [z. B. Akrobat, Verhalten, Bild] |  |
 | reversed {adj} [image, e.g. Shroud of Turin] | verkehrt herum |  |
 | unfocused {adj} [not giving a clear image] | unscharf |  |
 | unreversed {adj} [image, picture] | seitenrichtig |  |
Verbs |
 | to reflect sth. [show an image; also fig.] | 1811 etw.Akk. widerspiegeln [ein Bild; auch fig.] |  |
 | to conjure sth. [image, memory] | 1287 etw. beschwören [heraufbeschwören] |  |
 | to evoke sth. [a feeling, a memory, an image, etc.] | 940 etw.Akk. wachrufen [ein Gefühl, eine Erinnerung, ein Bild etc.] |  |
 | to burnish [fig.] | 681 aufpolieren [Image etc.] |  |
 | to crumble [also fig.: e.g. sb.'s image] | 669 zerbröseln [auch fig.: z. B. jds. Image] |  |
 | to project sth. [an image e.g. in a novel, an account] | 412 etw. entwerfen [Bild einer Person etc.] |  |
 | to stain sth. [fig.] [image, reputation] | 147 etw.Dat. schaden [Ruf, Ansehen] |  |
 | photo. to focus [image, camera] | 107 scharfstellen [Bild, Kamera] |  |
 | electr. RadioTV to migrate [image] | 12 auswandern |  |
 | MedTech. photo. tech. to advance [e.g. image, or to indexed positions] | 10 weiterschalten [z. B. Aufnahme] |  |
 | audio to pan sth. [to move sth. around in the stereo sound image] | 8 etw. pannen [etw. im Stereoklangbild verschieben] |  |
 | to blur [vision, image] | verschwommen werden |  |
 | comp. photo. to posterize [image editing: tonal separation] | posterisieren [ugs.] [Bildbearbeitung: Tonwerttrennung] |  |
 | comp. to render [an image] | [ein Bild] berechnen und ausgeben |  |
 | to visualise sb./sth. [Br.] [form a mental image of sb./sth.] | sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen [bildlich] |  |
 | to visualise sb./sth. [Br.] [form a mental image of sb./sth.] | sichDat. jdn./etw. bildlich vorstellen |  |
 | to visualise sth. [Br.] [form a mental image of sth.] | sichDat. etw. lebhaft vor Augen führen |  |
 | to visualise sth. [Br.] [form a mental image of sth.] | sichDat. etw. lebhaft vor Augen stellen |  |
 | to visualize sb./sth. [form a mental image of sb./sth.] | sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen [bildlich] |  |
 | to visualize sb./sth. [form a mental image of sb./sth.] | sichDat. jdn./etw. (vor seinem geistigen Auge) vorstellen |  |
 | to visualize sth. [form a mental image of sth.] | sichDat. etw. lebhaft vor Augen führen |  |
 | to visualize sth. [form a mental image of sth.] | sichDat. etw. lebhaft vor Augen stellen |  |
Nouns |
 | comp. tile [screen tile, image tile] | 107 Kachel {f} [Bildschirmkachel, Bildkachel] |  |
 | reflection [image] | 70 Abbild {n} [Spiegelbild] |  |
 | persona [image] | 62 Fassade {f} [fig.] [Image] |  |
 | match [image, copy] | 48 Ebenbild {n} |  |
 | comp. stroke [image processing] | 26 Kontur {f} |  |
 | comp. screen [screen image] | 24 Bildschirm {m} [vom Computer Dargestelltes] |  |
 | similitude [archaic] [image] | 24 Ebenbild {n} |  |
 | analysis [of a text, image, etc.] | 23 Erschließung {f} [Analyse eines Textes, eines Bildes usw.] |  |
 | print proof [test copy of text or image] | 22 Probedruck {m} |  |
 | view [of sth.] [picture, image] | 14 Bild {n} [von etw.] |  |
 | MedTech. tomogram [tomographic image] | 11 Schichtaufnahme {f} [Ergebnis der Tomographie] |  |
 | copy [spitting image of sb./sth.] | 9 Ebenbild {n} |  |
 | ideal [image of perfection] | 8 Idealbild {n} |  |
 | electr. RadioTV tech. artefact [Br.] [image artefact] | 7 Bildfehler {m} |  |
 | photo. definition [of an image] | 6 Schärfe {f} [Schärfentiefe] |  |
 | photo. posterization [image processing] | 5 Tontrennung {f} [Bildbearbeitung: Tonwerttrennung] |  |
 | reflection [of an image] | 5 Reflex {m} [Spiegelung] |  |
 | relig. spec. [paper slip with a devotional image, to be swallowed] | Schluckbildchen {n} |  |