Dictionary English German: [i e]

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Partial Matches
just ... (in between) [e.g.: I just want to check my e-mails in between.](nur) mal eben (zwischendurch) ... [ugs.] [z. B.: Ich will (nur) mal eben zwischendurch meine E-Mails checken.]
to ship sb. [esp. teenage sl.; originally gamer sl.] [going back to "relationship"] [e.g. "I ship them so much." (I wish they were together.)][sich wünschen, zwei Personen wären ein Paar]
mus. picking [i.e. using a pick on, e.g. a guitar]Zupfen {n} [spielen auf Gitarre mit Plektrum]
tracked {past-p} [i.e. calls]ausgespäht
art environmentally {adv} [i.e. in a painting]environmental
FoodInd. black iron oxide [E-172 (i)]Eisenoxidschwarz {n}
chem. FoodInd. sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate [E-339 (i)]Natriumdihydrogenorthophosphat {n}
terribly {adv} [i.e. surprised, pleased, fond]unmäßig [ugs.]
indentation [print, i.e. of foot, shoe]Abdruck {m}
law income determination [i.e. by tax authorities]Gewinnfeststellung {f}
videlicet {adv} <viz> [namely, i.e, that is to say]nämlich
anniversary [jubilee; i.e. only of "positive" events]Jubiläum {n}
frost-free {adj} [i.e. area]frostgeschützt [z. B. Raum]
bibl. to translate sb. [i.e. from hell to heaven, etc.]jdn. entrücken
mus. dominant [i.e., fifth degree of the tonic scale]Oberdominante {f}
with the aid of {prep} [i.e. using]unter Nutzung [+Gen.]
interwar {adj} [also: inter-war] [e.g. period, years, generation] [period between WW I und WW II]Zwischenkriegs- [z. B. Zeit, Jahre, Generation] [Zeit zwischen WK I und WK II]
comm. dishonour [Br.] [i.e. refusal to pay a bill of exchange]Nichteinlösung {f}
comm. dishonour [Br.] [i.e. refusal to pay a bill of exchange]Nichthonorierung {f}
mil. fighting fit {adj} [in top shape] [i,e, a soldier]voll einsatzbereit
curr. fin. exchange rate [cash exchange rate, i.e. notes and coins]Sortenkurs {m}
tech. operator control [i. e. button, key]Bedienelement {n} [z. B. Knopf, Taste]
tech. production stage [i.e. one of many in a series]Produktionsschritt {m}
excess of boys [i.e. over girls, sex-ratio imbalance]Jungenüberschuss {m}
ind. mass {adj} [e.g. production]fabrikmäßig [z. B. Herstellung; i. S. v. Massen-]
hist. pol. ["brown spots," i.e. hints of a Nazi past]braune Flecken {pl} [fig.]
karma [the result, i.e. fate]Schicksal {n} [Karma, d.h. seine Auswirkungen]
automot. bike ride [the quality of riding pleasure, i.e., in a car]Fahrgefühl {n}
It's taken! [i.e. chair]Der ist besetzt! [z. B. Stuhl]
charitable work [countable, i.e. deed of charity]Liebeswerk {n} [veraltet] [wohltätige Tat]
philos. relig. human being [in general, i.e. the being that humans possess]Menschsein {n}
me {pron} [Br.] [coll.] [I] [e.g. John and me went to the cinema]ich
sports to get one back [i.e. a goal in ball games]den Anschlusstreffer erzielen
to have a gangbang [vulg.] [consensual, i.e. have group sex]rudelbumsen [ugs.] [salopp]
the pick of sb. [i.e. a group of people]die Elite {f} [+Gen.]
hist. (planned) settlement [i.e. of new settlers in sparsely populated areas]Peuplierung {f} [veraltet] [Besiedlung]
125th anniversary [jubilee; i.e. only of "positive" events]125-Jahrjubiläum {n} [seltener, aber korrekt]
film RadioTV theatre line [e.g. I've forgotten my lines]Textzeile {f} [einer Figur im Theater, Kino etc.]
med. to get tested [i.e. for a disease]sichAkk. testen lassen [z. B. auf Corona]
extension of operating times [i.e. nuclear power plants]Verlängerung {f} der Betriebszeit [z. B. Kernkraftwerke]
to push [i.e. a boat with one's feet]abstemmen [z. B. ein Boot vom Ufer]
fin. mis-selling [i.e. insurance policies]Verkauf {m} unter Vorgabe falscher oder irreleitender Behauptungen [z. B. Versicherungspolicen]
applicable mutatis mutandis {adj} [i.e. with the necessary changes]entsprechend anwendbar [d. h. mit entsprechenden Änderungen]
chem. FoodInd. potassium dihydrogen phosphate <KDP> [KH2PO4] [E-340(i)]Kaliumdihydrogenphosphat {n} <KDP>
art environmental {adj} [i.e. in a painting]environmental
FoodInd. microcrystalline cellulose [E-460 (i)]mikrokristalline Cellulose {f}
either ... or ... {conj} [after a negative, e.g.: I have never been to either Paris or Rome]weder ... noch ...
sth. has come over sb. [i.e. feelings]etw. wandelte jdn. an [geh.] [z. B. ein Gefühl]
med. [bedbug "street", i.e. several bedbug bite marks in a row]Bettwanzenstraße {f}
to mis-sell sth. [i.e. insurance policies]etw. unter Vorgabe falscher oder irreleitender Behauptungen verkaufen [z. B. Versicherungspolicen]
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