Dictionary English German: [hunting]

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
hunting law warrantable {adj} [of a legal age for hunting (deer)]
jagdbar [Hirsch]
hunting ethical {adj} [in accordance with hunting rules]
Yoicks! [hunting cry to urge hounds after a fox]
unrestricted {adj} [hunting]
to glass sth. [to scan with binoculars, esp. one's surroundings in hunting]etw. durchs Fernglas beobachten [bes. die Umgebung bei der Jagd]
to glass sth. [to scan with binoculars, esp. one's surroundings in hunting]etw. mit dem Fernglas beobachten [bes. die Umgebung bei der Jagd]
crop [for riding, hunting]
Gerte {f}
hunting falconry [(the sport of) hunting with falcons]
Falkenjagd {f}
hunting venery [archaic] [hunting]
Jagd {f}
hunting hide [hunting]
Jagdschirm {m}
naut. sports johnboat [Am.] [for hunting, fishing etc.]
Flachbodenboot {n}
weapons dover [Aus.: hunting knife]
Buschmesser {n}
zool. T
hunting venery [hunting] [archaic]
Jagdkunst {f}
hunting quarry [hunting yield]
Jagdstrecke {f} [Jagdbeute]
hunting [response to "Waidmannsheil!" (Good hunting!)]Waidmannsdank! [Antwort auf den Gruß „Waidmannsheil!“]
hunting ferreting [hunting with ferrets]Frettchenjagd {f}
hunting hound [hunting dog]Jaghund {m} [schweiz.] [veraltet]
equest. hunting hunter [hunting dog or horse]Hunter {m} [Jagdhund oder Jagdpferd]
hunting machan [Ind.] [hunting platform]Jagdschirm {m} [erhöht]
hunting zool. retrievers [hunting dogs]Apportierhunde {pl} [Jagdhunde]
hunting treeing [hunting method]Verbellen {n} [am Baum]
hunting turtler [person hunting turtles]Schildkrötenjäger {m}
2 Words: Nouns
hunting aglu hunting [Inuit hunting method]Atemlochjagd {f} [Jagdtechnik der Inuit]
sports blood sport [e.g. angling and hunting]Blutsport {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [z. B. Angel- und Jagdsport]
hunting carrion hunting [bait hunting]Köderjagd {f}
hunting den hunting [hunting at the den]Baujagd {f}
hunting drop ears [esp. of a hunting dog]Behänge {pl} [Jägersprache] [herabhängende Ohren, bes. beim Jagdhund]
hunting orn. eagle huntress [hunting with eagles]Adlerjägerin {f} [Jagd mit Adler]
hunting floppy ears [esp. of a hunting dog]Behänge {pl} [Jägersprache] [herabhängende Ohren, bes. beim Jagdhund]
hunting law game law [laws regarding hunting]Jagdgerechtigkeit {f} [veraltet]
hunting law game law [laws regarding hunting]Jagdgesetz {n}
hunting law game law [laws regarding hunting]Jagdrecht {n} [Gesetz]
hunting hunting dagger [a 20–30-inch (510–760 mm) long double-edged German stabbing hunting knife, used to kill deer and boar]Hirschfänger {m} [Messer]
hunting mus. hunting horn [also: hunting-horn]Hifthorn {n}
hunting hunting period [less frequent for: hunting season]Jagdzeit {f}
hunting ling. hunting terms {pl} [hunting jargon]Jägersprache {f}
naut. sports jon boat [Am.] [for hunting, fishing etc.]Flachbodenboot {n}
hunting lop ears [esp. of a hunting dog]Behänge {pl} [Jägersprache] [herabhängende Ohren, bes. beim Jagdhund]
hunting weapons pig sticker [hunting dagger]Saufänger {m} [schwerer Dolch zum Abfangen von Schwarzwild]
hunting law shooting light [legal hunting hours]Büchsenlicht {n} [Tageszeit, während der legal gejagt werden kann]
tendelle traps [bird-trap hunting]Quetschfallen {pl}
tendelle traps [bird-trap hunting]Steinquetschfallen {pl}
hunting turtle-ing [dated spv. for: turtling] [turtle hunting]Schildkrötenjagd {f}
hunting zool. water dogs [hunting dogs]Wasserhunde {pl} [Jagdhunde]
3 Words: Nouns
hunting cry of hounds [fox hunting]Hundemeute {f}
hunting English-style stockwhip [hunting whip]englische Hetzpeitsche {f}
hist. mil. weapons heavy tank destroyer [Jagdpanzer VI "Hunting Tiger", WWII Germany]Jagdpanzer VI {m} Jagdtiger
individual dating rules {pl} [as if dating were hunting for prey]Beuteschema {n} [fig.] [hum.]
hunting stone crush trap [coll.] [tendelle for bird-trap hunting]Steinquetschfalle {f}
biol. orn. stone crush trap [coll.] [tendelle for bird-trap hunting]Quetschfalle {f}
4 Words: Others
hunting law in / of game law {adj} [laws regarding hunting]jagdrechtlich
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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