Dictionary English German: [hunt]

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

English German
gastr. hunting zool. deer {adj} [attr.] [e.g. antlers, hunt, stew]
Hirsch- [z. B. Geweih, Jagd, Ragout]
lion {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cub, family, hunt, goddess]
Löwen- [z. B. Junges, Familie, Jagd, Göttin]
fox {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cub, family, fur, hunt, species]
Fuchs- [z. B. Welpe, Familie, Pelz, Jagd, Art]
flat {adj} [attr.] [esp. Br.] [e.g. fire, hunt, owner]Wohnungs- [z. B. Brand, Suche, Eigentümer]
to chevy sb./sth. [hunt] [also: chivy, chivvy]
jdn./etw. hetzen [jagen]
hunting to poach [hunt wild game on land where not permitted]
schwarzgehen [ugs.] [wildern]
to predate [prey on, hunt for]auf etw. Jagd machen
2 Words
hunting hunting permit [authority to hunt within a particular area of Government land and forests; Germany]Begehungsschein {m} [veraltet] [Jagderlaubnisschein]
med. painful ophthalmoplegia [Ophthalmoplegia dolorosa] [Tolosa-Hunt syndrome]schmerzhafte Ophthalmoplegie {f}
5+ Words
quote I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheater and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops. [The Hunt for Red October (film)]Ich bin Politiker, das heißt, ich bin ein Betrüger und Lügner, und wenn ich kleinen Kindern keine Küsschen gebe, klaue ich ihnen ihre Bonbons.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Death Hunt [Peter R. Hunt]Ein Mann wird zur Bestie [Alternativtitel: Yukon]
film F John Carpenter's Christine [Bruce Hunt]Christine
film F On Her Majesty's Secret Service [James Bond] [Peter R. Hunt]Im Geheimdienst Ihrer Majestät
film F Shout at the Devil [Peter R. Hunt]Brüll den Teufel an
film F The Cave [Bruce Hunt]The Cave
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