Dictionary English German: [humorous]

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

English German
spiffing {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [humorous / archaic]
knorke [ugs.] [veraltend]
spiffing {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [humorous / archaic]
todschick [ugs.]
[humorous reply to someone knocking on the door]Herein, wenn's kein Schneider ist! [veraltend] [hum.]
humoristic {adj} [humorous]humorvoll
perzactly {adv} [Am.] [regional and humorous: exactly]genau
spiffing {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [humorous / archaic]total toll [ugs.]
trustiest {adj} [archaic or humorous]zuverlässigste
to bless sth. [humorous or ironic]
etw.Akk. genehmigen
to malappropriate (sth.) [words for humorous effect]
(etw.Akk.) verballhornen [Wörter zum humorvollen Effekt]
to malappropriate (sth.) [words for humorous effect](etw.Akk.) ballhornisieren [selten] [Wörter zum humorvollen Effekt]
to purloin sth. [steal] [can be humorous when used in a colloquial setting]etw. mitgehen lassen [hum.] [ugs.]
to uglify sb./sth. [mostly humorous]jdn./etw. verhässlichen [selten]
hoax [humorous or malicious deception]
Täuschung {f} [lustiger oder böser Streich]
[space between two double beds; humorous suggestion that a 3rd person could sleep there]
Besucherritze {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
[colloquial and dated and humorous name for Deutschmark]Emmchen {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltend] [Mark]
[humorous Austrian and Bavarian term for sb.'s brain]Hirnkastl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [hum.] [Kopf, Verstand]
[humorous name for a male Bavarian] [slightly pej.]Bazi {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [leicht pej.] [fig.] [ein Bayer]
FireResc jobs [humorous term for female firefighter]Floriansjüngerin {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
[rare pejorative/humorous name for an extreme bodybuilder]Rasierklingenschmuggler {m} [hum.] [pej.] [selten]
ling. boerde [Middle Dutch narrative with humorous erotic contents]Boerde {f} [mittelniederländische Erzählung mit komisch-erotischem Inhalt]
ling. Engrish [humorous expression for the way many Japanese pronounce English]Engrish {n} [hum.] [Ausdruck für die Art, wie viele Japaner Englisch aussprechen]
ling. sniglet ["humorous neologism"; "sniglet" itself being coined in the 1980s]scherzhafte Neubildung {f}
2 Words
amorous call [humorous]Paarungsruf {m}
3 Words
Ig Nobel Prize [ironic and humorous award]Anti-Nobelpreis {m} [ironische und humoristische Auszeichnung]
Ig Noble Prize [rare for: Ig Nobel Prize] [ironic and humorous award]Anti-Nobelpreis {m} [ironische und humoristische Auszeichnung]
white sausage equator [humorous term referring to southern Germany's unique culture]Weißwurstäquator {m} [hum.]
5+ Words
Do you come with the suite? [humorous, suggestive question, usually addressed to a woman]Sind Sie im Preis mit drin? [ugs.] [humorvolle, leicht anzügliche Frage, meistens an eine Frau]
chief cook and bottle washer [humorous]Chef {m} [Alleinverantwortlicher]
chief cook and bottle washer [humorous]Mädchen {n} für alles
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